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Escorted to her Dreams (part 2)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:42am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 7:50am

1,355 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Executive Officer's Quarters
Timeline: Follow on from Part 1


The kiss to the back of the hand was so sweet. Ashe beamed and had to stifle the giggle, he seemed bold yet nervous. Probably thinking he might lose a rank for being so bold. She had to giggle at that. Their eyes kept contact, he seemed to be getting lost in hers and there was something about his own, maybe the spark of life that had been changed in Rii'Na. How could she ever forgive the Cardassian that had scarred her, in more ways than she cared to count? Still that shouldn't make the decision for her with someone like JC, after all it would be nasty to paint all men with the same tarred brush. He leant in and before Ashe knew it her eyes had fluttered shut as their lips met. She felt her cheeks burn and her heart race, it all felt so warm, like wrapping a blanket around herself.


Other than the touch of the Prophets (on very rare occasions) Ashe had not felt this kind of 'rush' much at all. He pulled away, and seemed to be waiting for something. Maybe he was expecting a rather bad reaction, a slap maybe? That was the last thought on her mind. She beamed at JC. "I don't bite when off shift, JC" she said with a small giggle. "I'm a person with a title and job, not some fire breathing dragon." Ashe could not wipe the smile off her face, she ran her fingers over his right cheek, circling them up and over his ear before running back down his jawline. Rii'Na returned the kiss, feeling ever so warm and like her heart was bouncing. Her warmth seemed to flow into the kiss, yet when she let him breathe, her cheeks were still burning.

*Are the Prophets showing me a new path? If so, life is about to get a bit complicated, yet fun.* Ashe thought to herself, beaming.

"Are you sure you want for this to end at the door?" Rii'Na heard herself say, almost not believing it. "Coming in does not mean a court martial in the morning. Maybe nothing will happen, or maybe something, beautiful, special.....wondrous will happen. We won't know, if we just stand out here. Waiting."

"I think I would like to explore special and wondrous if given a choice?" He said with a grin and moved his hand to her ear as she had him; it seemed something special so he followed suit. "I would never want to disappoint a lady."
Her skin was supple, she had a soft side all right, he just hoped that she truly enjoyed his company? The earring was special to a Bajoran and he merely ran a finger along her lobe around the ear ring so not to make some social mistake. Moving back to her cheek with a gentle caress and a warm smile. Still he wondered what he had done so different with Rii'Na; she seemed to like the way he acted and he could not get past the fact he felt more attraction to her because of it. He took her hand once more and she seemed worth a court martial threat in the morning.

She smiled at his efforts to mirror her own moves, being so gentle. Some people are ever so gentle and almost skittish simply out of fear of offending another. Ashe gave his hand a squeeze and stepped a little closer to talk very softly. "The right ear for Bajorans is believed to be a place where you can touch the Pagh. I believe your own human word would be ....soul. Touching there is like a kiss and touching that person's soul at the same time. That was very sweet of you, JC." Ashe was beaming, she touched the door release and as though on faith stepped back into her quarters without looking, leading JC in with her.

Rii'Na's quarters were quite soft; the lighting was kept soft, she had some soft cushions and very soft blanket thrown over the lounge. She was still in the process of unpacking, so the place did look a bit sparse. There was a small Bajoran shrine tucked away in the corner to allow for worship when she couldn't make it to the shrine on the Promenade, some photos of her family scattered about and some from her academy days as well.

Conroy had followed her lead; she was the lady and a lady is always first, he had a smile on his face that had turned a little more red from the fact he had really just gone and realized that the Xeno -racial training did not cover the more 'intimate' things of cultures. She smiled at it and he had done it right he guessed. He glanced around naturally as it is new surroundings of course and he had natural curiosity.

"Hazard of my job, I'm still unpacking!" Ashe said, with a kind of cheeky grin. "If I ever get on top of my paperwork then I'll be able to finish this." She gestured to the open living space. "Sometimes not enough hours in the day." Rii'Na moved over to the lounge, sitting down and patting the seat behind her. "Contrary to popular belief, I don't bite. I try to save grumpy for when it is needed."

"If you need a biological forklift I am stronger than I look." Conroy smiled and took the offered seat beside Rii'Na and seemed to suddenly not know what would be too forward and not; he felt like a teen on a first possible make out session? He did not know if he should be bold or just go with the flow; he is in her quarters and she invited him so he had a good idea that after touching her 'Pagh/ Soul' he had made an impression. "I would not touch those reports though, most people have their unique filing system where they live so have to be careful for that." He put his hand on hers and gave a squeeze, no need to rush things as he actually liked her smile.

"So...." Ashe leant in a little. "You seem a little nervous. Do I look like I'd turn into an Earth Praying Mantis or something?" She giggled for a moment. "I'd rather be treated like a woman, and maybe even treasured than be gawked at or feared. You have been a little bold, funny and sweet. I like that, I kind of need that in my life." Rii'Na sighed, looking off into the distance for a moment.

"I thought it was 'admiring.. have to work on that part." He commented as he leant to catch her eye. "And for the record you are a beautiful woman and that is the first thing I noticed, maybe a male thing, but it was your expression that caught me; the look of achievement and needing some comforting; friendly nature perhaps, that brought me over with the wine." He leaned closer to sneak a kiss for a moment to get her attention. "You are a find; rare and fun to be with, that might not seem like treasured but treasure is over rated, how about I put in a desire to just be with you as it makes things seem better. You make this seem better and better." He looked into her eyes. "How about I say you are someone to be doted over a bit; spoiled and treated like someone special." He touched her ear. "Ooops, doing that kissing of the Pagh thing again." He grinned. "I hope that means you are growing more special by the second?"

This time when he kissed her he put some passion into it and let himself be taken in by the moment as he had touched her soul and that seemed a first for him; he liked that she told him that and he wanted to do it again, he wanted to have a time like those silly holos he had been raised on to believe that in some cases it might have a chance of coming true.



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