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Colonel's Log Part 1

Posted on Thu Apr 27th, 2017 @ 11:01am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

328 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture

Colonel's Log. As I sit here behind my desk, well not really a desk, more like a base for the mountain of PADDS that the Regiment generates, I can only shake my head at the recent events. Twisted traders and malcontents setting off bombs and stealing equipment and if the rumors are true even a damn starship. At first this post was plagued with Romulan and God forbid Borg problems. Now these terrorsts and pirates try to wreak havoc on the area.

I received a report from Rattia on Tiberius V, pirates tried making off with the only industrial replicator in the area and were fought off by the well armed and trained Militia. Thank goodness for small favors from some old friends who had some spare equipment and time to train the locals. After this festival gets over I'm coordinating with Fighter Command and getting some long range recon units out into the area.

Speaking of out and about, Second Battalion needs to get their jump wings recertified. They've been stuck in the barn to much with all the goings on around here. I'd almost consider taking the entire Regiment out on an exercise or if the scouts find anything useful but I'm almost afraid anything not nailed down in Marine Country might be swiped by some erst while patriot. Fine let the damn Borg have you.

However the Marine Assault Ship Sarissa is passing through the area and shes running empty. Maybe I can talk her CO into giving the Regiment a lift to the Tiberius System for some exercises without delaying her to much.

Also, we received the last batch of new Marines from home. Damn are they green and full of themselves. The Regiment's NCOs have their work cut out. Hell, I've already seen a couple of them on some minor disciplinary problems.

Anyways I'll have to just finish this report later.

End Log

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon


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