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Paws in Dawn's Light

Posted on Wed May 10th, 2017 @ 7:31am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo

1,020 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Aboretum
Timeline: (Back post - During the festival)


It was very early in the morning, about 0200 or so, though time did not matter much to felines. this feline was a large dark ginger hued Turkish Angora; with mismatching eyes of silver and golden yellow. She just had an exciting little dash about with a tea cup poodle, the little dog had been a real ankle biter and nearly shredded her tail. She did out smart the tea cup whose owner had named "Precious" of all things, Gollum had more imagination than that lady had.

At any rate the ginger Angora was undaunted and continued on her walk about the station....

Command knew no 'opening hours' like the station vendors or most of the other rostered staff. Sometimes a dispute would break out on another shift or a diplomat arrived unannounced. 'Paperwork' also waited for no-one. Sometimes that mean things like Faith and food would take a back seat.

Rii'Na had worked a bit of overtime, festival not withstanding and had decided to have a late dinner on the Promenade. She had just finished her time in communion with the Prophets and was having a walk through the Arboretum as she had been having some trouble sleeping of late. The free feel and scents of the flowers helped to relax her enough to try and get some sleep, most of the time. Sadly there were some memories that seemed to haunt her without relent. She slowly savoured her Jumja stick from a bench overlooking a nicely blooming flower bed.

Most times on jaunts like this the feline kept to the shadows but the lady on the bench just looked not quite upset but at least truly enjoying the stick of what looked like candy to her dual hued eyes. Tail swishing she leapt out of the flowers she'd been hiding under and walked right up to the lady on the bench. "Mrour?" she inquired lightly looking up at her, her tail still swishing playfully...

Rii'Na had almost been in a trance; she looked down to find a Cat. She had been introduced to them back on Earth. "Hi there. Can't sleep either?" Ashe patted the bench next to her. "Maybe we can keep each other company for a while."

A purr and a silent leap brought the ginger turkish angora closer to the woman, she brushed against the lady's left side being careful to not get the fluffy tail near to sticky candy in her brush-by...

"I like some sweets to unwind. I wish I could get some Shinga Root and sweet sauce, but a Jumja stick will do for now, right?" Ashe gave the cat a rub behind the ears. "The things we do to get through a day. Not that you have to worry as much."

"Mrour." the ginger retorted and continued to purr, with her mismatched eyes half closed as the lady's fingers rubbed her ears.

"You're a happy one." Rii'Na rubbed and scratched behind the cat's ears. "It's easy for you to be carefree. You don't have to look after a station and everyone on it. Doing what I do means giving of yourself, more than anything." The commander sampled the jellied sweet.

The ginger angora just purred, enjoying the attention, and listening, her tail flicking lightly. It was not often that someone 'knew' how to pet a feline without being too rough.

Ashe admired the flowers, looking off into the distance and listening to the purr from the Ginger beside her. "Sometimes we have to make our own home, because our own is half a world away. Right? Maybe that is something we share. I wonder if you have a name or someone that looks after you?"

The ginger just purred as if that was the only answer, there was. No collar adorned her neck, a bit of ribbon was there but loosely tied so that it would untie easily if caught on something. Or if someone pulled it.

Ashe played with the ribbon as she patted ans scratched behind the ginger's ears. It looked like there was a note held in place by the ribbon. A gentle tug and the ribbon came away.

This cat is a ward of the station, as such she has free roam. The note said.

"So, you belong to nobody and everybody. How fitting, still you should really have a name. Everyone has a name." She looked the cat over."Most of us don't get to pick our own name. Hmmm.... how about Tai? Sweet, short and special. What do you think?"

The ginger angora purred a moment with eyes half closed as if considering the name before giving a "Mrour." and gently butted her head against Ashe's fingers for more attention.

"Well then, Tai. I am Rii'Na." She smiled a moment. "Prophets be blessed, we have both made a friend today." Ashe said happily. She gave Tai a good rub under the chin. "There are some days where I wish I could get a rub like you too. At least we have each other for the moment." Rii'Na stifled a yawn, she knew she had to get some sleep, last thing she wanted was to wind up dozing in her office or have to dose herself up on coffee or something of the sort.

"I think it might be time for me to go curl up and sleep. Nice to meet you, Miss Tai. Hopefully our paths will cross again."

"Mrour." the mew was softer as if was a good night in felinese. The ginger purred and gave Rii'Na's hand a nudging before she gave a slow turn and hopped off of Rii'Na"s lap. "Mrour mour." the soft mews seemed to mean good night or perhaps until next time. It was hard to tell after all it was only felinese... .

"Until next time, my friend. Be Well" Ashe gave one last scratch behind the ears of Tai and was on her way to get some well needed rest. The reports wouldn't sort themselves nor the station either.


CMDR Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

-other names pending-
Ginger Angora feline
as played by Serena Giacomo


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