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Shifts and Surprises (part 2)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:47am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 7:52am

839 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Ops
Timeline: Follow on from Shifts and Surprises part 1


"Good Morning Beta Shift. As I am sure you would all be aware of by now I am Commander Rii'Na Ashe. I am the new Executive Officer for Typhon and I am to be your shift lead. Now, I am not that hard to get along with; results are wonderful, if you have any complaints bring them to me and we will work through them together. I will be doing the rounds and getting a feel for where each department is at. We may have our own assignments but they all fit together as a team. So enough with the big 'command speech' and down to 'daily life'."


Rii'Na came down to wander amongst the stations, knowing they will all be a bit nervy and probably jump sky high as soon as they were called on. Just to make things easy and relax the others, her first stop was JC.

"Flight Ops, nice handling of Captain Naimon. I see you have regulars and are aware of their needs, that is very nice work. Any needs or issues I need to be aware of?" Ashe asked as she leant over his chair, her right hand to it's back. She had a couple of PADDs that she was taking notes on and she dropped one of onto his desk.

Conroy was a bit busy when Ashe came up; he was just doing what he did for a living as far as he was concerned. Keeping the traffic at a steady flow was his job, one of many that had the task, being in the Flight Operations he did have a higher standard than most; his being more or less the lead for the shift. A station the size of Typhon had a few controllers but the larger craft fell under the Command Control for their birthing. He glanced over at the PADD she had tactfully placed on his desk.

"We aim to please and the regulars have their usual haunts. If we cater to them they tend to do their business and report to their bosses that we are doing our jobs. " He looked in her direction. "That trickles down to te Captain getting good reports and none of us end up on K.P Duty." Conroy replied eagerly. "I am Lt. JG Conroy, Commander." He gave her a smile. "Officially Flight OPS lead for Beta Shift, glad to make your acquaintance at last."

"It is nice to have a trouble free department, I can only hope the rest are just as good. Keep up the good work, Mister Conway. Okay, Operations you are next." She called ahead as she moved on. The PADD she had left behind read as follows:


Well done with your work, I have a feeling I will be kept rather calm while you are handling everybody's 'temporary homes'.

Thanks for the little surprise, we may not have known each other long but you seem to pick up on so much!

Being on shift has it's down sides as far as saying what I truly wish I could around other ears. I hope you know just how much I really did appreciate you going out of your way.

I will be awaiting dinner with a light heart, eager and warm.

Be well


PS: Might be wise to file this after you read it, not wanting the others to see it, now are we?

Conroy tapped the PADD quickly as though he here going over a report to be filed.

[I had some Holosuite time and a hot springs program. A low back suit might allow me to get to those knots?] He replied and passed the saved file to Rii'Na. [A little more Personalized service with a smile.]

"That I hope clears of that little matter I should have cleared before shift ma'am." He nodded and put his attention back to the Work at hand. "If you need anything from Flight Control I can give you Priority, Commander. Being XO you do have some perks."

"Duly noted, Mister Conroy. I will try to keep that in mind." Rii'Na did her rounds, taking notes and taking on what feedback she could gather. She completed her pass and came back past Flight Ops. With a slight pause she left the PADD with an updated message and managed to brush his hand ever so slightly. She came back up to her office door and admired the view of the shift, hard at work.

The reply that JC found was:

Holodeck time, hot springs and some adept hands will most certainly deal with the knots.

Thanks so much, JC.

Until shift's end, may the Prophets guide you; they have already blessed you with so many gifts.

Be well, sweet man

[Confirming 1930 hours.] Conroy put across her PADD as a reply.

She found the reply and read it when she reached the privacy of her office. Life on Typhon would be a little sweeter from now on.


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

James (JC) Conroy
Flight Operations


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