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Shifts and Surprises

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:46am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 7:52am

1,014 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Ops
Timeline: Follow on from 'Prophets, Duty and Dining at Sunrise part 2


Rii'Na had a certain calm to her; walking into Ops, knowing this was to be HER shift, this would be HER team to work with. She had already been spending time settling into her office space, sadly the reports were still breeding on her desk. This morning she didn't seem to mind as much, a small sigh came from her as she came up the small steps through Ops and off to her Office to check for any important reports before getting into shift handover and departmental briefings.

Conroy had managed to get through the process of his pre-shift routine with a clean uniform pressed and even the side trip to his duty station. THe cup of real Racktajino would be still hot when Ashe would be in her office. He could not simply Dart in and drop it off; not with the whole staff being on hand.

"A Bajoran loves her Racktajino." Conroy had said when he went to put the steaming cup on her desk. "I thought that her First day on this shift would be a good time to give her a gift that might make her feel better and maybe get her in a good mood early?" It seemed like a good ply and so long as it was completed before he went to his duty station she might get the hint as to who gave it to her and if the rest of the staff got the kudos who was Conroy to say anything?

Ashe had a moment, she was left scratching her head; had she left a Raktajino cup in her office from yesterday? She picked it up only to find it was still quite warm. Someone had left a fresh cup on her desk. Was this someone's version of 'leaving an apple for the teacher'?

Conroy had managed to get to his duty station before the Shift Officer had made a walk; he actually had a good feeling from the night before and looked forward to seeing Ashe again. He was taking the console and changing the sensitivity to his liking; the panel had been set to his standards. He logged in and quickly ran a dianostic while the channel opened.

"G-o-o-o-d M-o-r-n-i-n-g T-y-p-h-o-n..." He greet over the channel. "This is your friendly voice in the sky Lt. JG -JC. What kind of an acronym is that you ask... just the rank and name." He chuckled. "Now who do we have as our first customer?" He opened the channel for the first Captain on the approach.

Rii'Na came out to the main 'deck' of Ops, warm cup in hand. She had been savouring the foam off her cup (as she had a habit of doing) when she had heard a familiar voice. She surveyed the area and found somone she knew at Flight Operations. To her delight, there was JC. Ashe smiled behind her cup. The 'apple for the teacher' was from JC.

He had not told her his position, probably worried about how she would react. She took a moment to observe his 'bedside manner' in dealing with the traffic.

The morning was not really all that busy but it was keeping Conroy busy; maybe he should nto be so lively but he figured it all about keeping things moving and a little friendly chatter might calm some nerves.

"And it is my man Naimon..." Conroy recalled the Risian Commercial Captain that made a weekly route to the station. "And what are you bringing us today, anything fresh?"

=^= JC...=^= The Captain Naimon replied. =^= It is good to hear you; I try to time my arrivals according to your time.=^=

"Now that is rightly friendly of ya; that is why you rank as my Favorite Risian Captain." Conroy replied. "You are as accurate as a time piece, I just happened to have saved your preferred Docking bay."

=^= number 675?" =^= Naimon showed excitement in his voice. =^= What is that earth term ' a Man you are? =^=

"Thank you for thinking I am the man." Conroy keyed the apprach vectors and docking sequence. "You are in the Groove."

=^= My daughter enjoyed the soundtracks you forwarded, she has trouble relaxing if she does not remember to take them with her. =^= Naimon added. =^= There is some Risian fudge that my wife is sending to you, make sure you get it.=^=

"Thank you my Man, and have a good visit. tower out." Conroy had taken some time to get to know his 'regulars' and tried to keep up enough to be friendly, He figured Ashe might like some Risian Fudge to share.

Ashe had to stifle a giggle. He was so light hearted and got the work done. The Captain was making sure to come in at such a time just to be able to deal with JC. She would not have to worry about Flight Operations, JC had it well in hand. One less command headache to worry about, he was getting the work done and making it enjoyable for himself. He took the time to leave something enjoyable for her, probably to get her through the shift in one piece. This was a man who showed he could have a tender side, sure he covered it up with humour but it was still there. He had compassion, good negotiating skills and was always thinking of others. Great qualities to have, it was making her look forward to dinner all the more.

"Good Morning Beta Shift. As I am sure you would all be aware of by now I am Commander Rii'Na Ashe. I am the new Executive Officer for Typhon and I am to be your shift lead. Now, I am not that hard to get along with; results are wonderful, if you have any complaints bring them to me and we will work through them together. I will be doing the rounds and getting a feel for where each department is at. We may have our own assignments but they all fit together as a team. So enough with the big 'command speech' and down to 'daily life'."



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