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Posted on Thu Dec 14th, 2017 @ 8:47am by Captain Darius Cayne

823 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Starship Arthurian
Timeline: During: The First Plague


Darius walked out of the meeting and toward the dock where the Arthurian was. He tapped his PADD and transferred the information from it toward his person console on the ship. Nothing could describe what he was feeling at that moment. The desire to be far away from this place was the only thing on his mind. As he passed an engineer working on a panel in the hallway, he placed the now empty PADD on his cart among his tools.

As he entered the turbolift, he tapped his combadge and said. "Cayne to Arthurian."

"Arthurian here, Captain." His first officer replied. "Go ahead."

"Prepare the Arthurian for departure." He said firmly. "I want her at full. Get her ready for a battle, if necessary, but I don't want any surprises."

"Our orders, Sir?" His first officer said.

"I'm giving you the order." Darius replied quickly, and sternly as he placed his hands behind his back. "I'll inform you of what is going on when I get on board. For now, prepare the ship for departure."

The First Officer replied hesitantly. "You got it, Sir. She'll be ready when you get here. Arthurian Out."

Darius leaned against the turbolift wall and said. "Docking Port A." He closed his eyes for a moment and took the time to think about his next move. Getting the Arthurian out won't be much of an issue, but what do once they get there would be. Smart thing to do would be to head to the site of the last attack and run tests from there, being cautious over each step in case they returned to the site. The Arthurian can handle a fight, mostly.

As the turbolift came to a stop at the deck, the doors opened, allowing Darius to leave and make his way toward the port. He couldn't help but feel a pain in his chest. Maybe it was the guilt for the decision me made to walk away from Raven and the others or it could have been an old wound coming back to cause trouble, either way the sting hit him unexpectedly. He paused for a second, placing his hand against the wall as he placed the other on his chest. Darius closed his eyes and focused, taking in deep breaths and exhaling soon after.

He soon began to move again, regaining his composure, as he continued to walk to the dock. Once he reached the door he tapped in his code to allow him access and waited for the doors to open completely before stepping through and soon being on board the familiar deck of the Arthurian.

As he walked to the nearest turbolift, he began to speak firmly. "Merlin?"

"Go on, Sire." The familiar voice of the ships AI replied to him.

"Send a private message to Raven stating the following: Dear Raven. I am sorry for my attitude and leaving the briefing. I understand we haven't been together as long, but I want you to know you're very special to me. You help me forget about what's happened to me and that I am, for lack of a better term, damaged goods. So, thank you for being with your smiles and laughs. For what its worth, it means everything to me, and should I die soon please know that you were the last thing, the only thing, on my mind. And I died smiling at the great memories. I love you, and that's hard for me to say to anyone, but when it comes to you. I am not afraid to say it, even though its not reciprocated the way I am accustomed to. Be safe and never stop being you. Darius" He paused, closing his eyes as he let out another deep breath.

"Sire? If I may?"

"No you may not." Darius replied quickly, voice slightly broken. "Just sent the damn message."

"The Parchment has been sent, Sire." Merlin replied softly.

"Fine." He said softly before tapping his combadge. "Number One? Set course for the coordinates I am sending you at Max Thrusters once we are clear of the dock and Typhon. Tell Tactical to prepare a few long range probes for launch and to maintain yellow alert." Darious tapped on the console in the turbolift, sending the information to the bridge before stepping and saying. "Bridge, Please."

"One moment." The First Officer replied as he checked his console at his chair. He read through the information and replied. "Pirates, Sir?"

"Pirates." Darius replied. "Tell the Gorn to also scan the channels for any information regarding attacks in that area. Anything you find, forward to Typhon and the TGT. No matter what, everything we fine, goes there. Understand?"

"Yes sir." He replied hesitantly and curious.

Darius closed his eyes as the pain to his chest returned. "Darius Out."


Captain Darius Cayne
Commanding Officer, USS Arthurian

Arthurian A.I.

First Officer
USS Arthurian


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