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Something of a Technical Question (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Dec 13th, 2017 @ 10:22am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Wed Dec 13th, 2017 @ 10:30am

1,262 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Rii'Na's Quarters


"They might push really hard that I keep you for a very l-o-n-g time" He winked. "you might not know it but we all are very possessive of those we'all care about."


"So long as we are both happy that can't be that much of a problem, now can it?" Ashe leant up and placed a kiss to his cheek. "Where I come from, during the occupation and beyond it; finding someone, the possibility of the other half of a is something that we cherish. I think you understand that too."

"I think that we have the time to find out." He ran fingers through her hair. "But the call to my family is in five days as per usual." He grinned. "Think you can arrange to be there?" He teased. "Be best to announce if you are there as well?"

Her eyes closed over and a genuine smile graced her face. JC had a way with his touch and knew how to use it well. "What time? The whole repairs and paper work has been dragging it's heels a bit. Catching up has been slow, if I know a rough enough time I could always say I have a meeting I cannot get out of, to anyone else that needs me. Well all except probably Mabrade."

"2200 local time is the pre-arrangement." Conroy informed. "Though with you being there it might go longer than usual; you will be asked some questions; maybe a hundred or so, all in the space of about ten seconds..." He chuckled. "Or so it will seem." He caressed her scalp and hair as he spoke. "Momma will be the one to anwser , the others are pretty much going to wait their turns after her." He joked. "Just do not touch my ear at any point please, it would lead to more questions about... Bajoran customs and put you on the spot."

"And you think I haven't been put on the spot before? JC?! Those questions don't bother me, they honour my culture. We should just be ourselves. They will like what they like, we can't change that." Ashe smiled.

"Now just what did you mean by showing me what it really means to be courting with a Human?" Her curiosity had been piqued. "Can it really be that different from the Bajoran ways?"

"Depends on if your culture allows dueling over a woman's honor?" He kept a very straight face while he spoke. Where I come from courting is very serious and it is more than dating but more dating with purpose." Conroy was serious in his tone. "It is where a human proves the devotion to he other and some cultures would think it almost demeaning to the female as the man kind of asserts his..." He had to think of the words to be safe, "His more typically manly persona and protects and dotes over the woman." He explained. "If done corectly it will complement..." He flushed a bit. "if not done correctly it can come across wrong." He kissed her ear a little. "It is more a process of proving myself able to supply your... needs other than just taking out and thngs. I share things that no one else gets to have, let you see what you are getting into..." He hesitated. And I am rambling..."

"I have not exactly heard of dueling like that in Bajoran culture. Still, we do try to see if we are suited for each other, the 'two halves of the single Pagh' " She blushed at the gentle kiss to the ear.

"It is much easier to just do it and hope you like it?" He said as he looked into her eyes. "You might have to forgive me if I over do it okay?"

"I'm sure it will be fine. I've never really been courted or spoilt before. This will be a wonderful way to get to know one another and truly see if we are of one Pagh. That for a Bajoran is quite special." Ashe gently played, teasing with her fingers under JC's chin. "I'm sure we have nothing to worry about."

"One Pagh; one soul, there are eternal similarities in the universe you know? I heard stories from Earth Mythos that talk about being of one soul, or Pagh as you call it." Conroy said softly. "I believe it was Greek mythology; it is said that in the beginning that all of mankind had one soul with man and woman being 'one.' The humans angered the Gods in some way.The Gods brought lightning down upon mankind and split everyone in two. So from then on mankind were eternally searching for the other half of their souls." He completed his narrative. "That is a human explanation, do your people have something similar?"

"There are some old tales that the Vedeks and other priests tell. It's been a very long time since I heard them last. Your human story sounds rather beautiful, a bit romantic actually." Ashe gave him a soft squeeze. "Any intel you can give me ahead of this call or am I going in blind?"

"Well I once said you will be bombarded where we met; how did we decide we are so destined for one another and have I been a gentleman or more like my Older Brother?" He guessed early. "I think you will be asked all sorts of things about how I treat you, do I make you happy and such?"

"That sounds easy enough. Met on the promenade, whirlwind romance with a perfect gentleman and as for Destiny, she is making up her mind but dropping good hints while she does." Rii'Na rubbed nose tips with him for a moment. "And of course you make me happy or I wouldn't still be here." She beamed after that statement.

"I think you would still be here." Conroy said with a smile. "They are your quarters." He joked. "Now I think you would not let 'me' be here if you are not happy." He moved to kiss her for a moment. "I like it when you are happy, much easier on me that way."

Ashe took on the kiss, beaming right the way through. "Easier for both of us to be happy, love." Ashe slipped a hand up to his right ear and gently pulled him into a kiss. "Just take each day and blessing as it comes."

"Smart Lady, that why you are a Commander?" He teased as he moved closer to her to bring them as close as possible. "You know the happy a day at a time is a good goal." He kissed her deeply for a long moment. "I won't stop the falling for you part... promise."

Ashe returned the kiss in kind; deep, passionate, and sweet. They had to part to gain some air for a moment. "I doubt I could stop that if I tried." she replied, leaning into him.

A flight control guy falling did seem a bit silly if just looking at the terms; he put his arms around Ashe and just let the two of them be close with nothing more than mutual touch to express what they felt together. This time it seemed a mutual falling for one another, that is a good thing and he would just keep doing what he is doing in hopes it keeps working.

He kissed the top of her head just because she was there.


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

Ensign James (J.C.) Conroy
Flight control Officer


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