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The Present meets Past Shadows

Posted on Fri Dec 15th, 2017 @ 1:47pm by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade

1,542 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Various


It was starting to become a treasured part of her routine; come home after temple, leave the rank and reports at the door and just spend time with JC. It was nice to curl up in bed together, to have that muscular pillow with a wonderful warmth to it.

They would rise together and prepare for the day ahead. He would leave and get ready in his own quarters so as to try not to draw suspicion and she would head to the Bajoran temple to commune with the Prophets and keep the Vedeks happy. They seemed to be giving her a lot of space lately, maybe they could see something that she could not. Maybe she was not as troubled as she used to be? At any rate she felt a lot better for being together with JC. The smile that was on her face was not 'fake', she let those on the Promenade see just what she was feeling.

There is no denying the fact that female Bajorans can carry themselves with an erotic air about them, the Dabo Girls in the hint revealing dresses that had a hem so close to their bottoms they had to bend at the knee to bow properly and noy be caught by security. Or it could be said that even the Federation Officers; a turncoat of a choice as she obviously left the Rebellion to follow that whole 'Prophet and Emissary part of their religion, the skirt was more 'socially acceptable but she had chosen it over the slacks. She wanted to be known as a woman with her slender legs an finely sculpted rear that she displayed so well with her walk. There is pride in her appearance, she wanted to be pretty and it showed.

She had a natural 'catwalk' of being on display for those she knew were watching her; teasing those that would give a lot to have her and still she managed to have that same air of being almost 'innocent' to the first observer. She would be held as a 'Flower of Bajoran beauty, never guessing how she had flaunted herself; dressed so to entice a man to want her to warm his bed and at the moment she acted like it had not happened. If he did not know her well he might think she believes she is an 'Innocent woman from Bajor. HE wondered if she still cherished that special color of lingerie they shared a time ago.

She left the Temple as usual and moved on her way, stopping by the Bajoran stalls as she went. She hatted with the owners and made purchases to pick up later. There was a beautiful necklace and single earring set that she just could not pass up.

A fine upstanding follower of the Prophets; the feeling of having a relationship with the Prophets; did she believe the lie of some Aliens in a Worm Hole governing their actions? It is not all that uncommon for those of more advanced society and technology to propose themselves as 'Gods and Guardians' of the barbaric backwater planets. A century earlier and The Cardassians might have imposed themselves as Gods to those Bajorans, but that was not the case these Prophets had gotten the idea first and acted upon it. He could respect the concept but to not accept tributes or at least delve into the 'finer' things of the Bajoran women's gifts was a crime in his mind. She should have avoided this place he had tried to show her the error of her beliefs and yet here she is still going to the same iconic God's house of worship in hopes they will forgive her longing that she has been told were 'too erotic and enjoyable' for polite society. The ramrod straight Vedeks who delved into the finer beauties when it was upon them to do so, they got away with it while 'He' was called a War Criminal for his trying to show benevolence towards the majority while a select minority showed him proper respects and affections.

He wondered if she still longed for him, the special reminder she would always have to recall their affections still ring true after all this time. He thought it important and never forgot how they first bonded, he hoped she had the same fond recall of events as he did?

Slowly she wound her way around to the turbolift that would take her up to Ops for today's shift.

Pity that the Lifts were not like the posh hotels with glass siding for the occupants to look out and be looked upon with a fondness from afar.

[After Shift]

The day was uneventful, going about watching the flow of the Station kept him busy. Her movements were easy enough to follow; her office and the Control Deck with a minor break. He would make sure to be closer this time, she cleaned up well enough; he wanted to see what she had done to cover his scent; women always change after a lover. It was a bittersweet breaking of her heart when he left; he had rushed out on her without so much as a good bye. He had not liked that and would not blame her if she was a bit reluctant to rekindle things; after all, she was left high and dry in his haste.

Presents would help ease the pain; he would think of something like the necklace and earring; that were so plain to the eye for taste, and get her something she could not afford and would like so much better. She looked to have gained some weight as she was on her deck; quarters of Officers in this portion of the station. Of course he would never tell her that to her face as it would not be right. She might take it hard that she had fallen out of his favor in some way by messing with her perfect figure, that is not the case, he knew her well enough to not lose hope in her being able to please him as she strove to do before.

Now if she would just look in his direction she might notice him; he is a memorable sort and all, so he is surprised she did not note his dashing figure as he moved closer to her. She had picked up her purchase and that beloved smile was on her face; he remembered her smile when he gave her things, affections and especially his attention.

She had taken a new scent; he could tell the change in her perfume; not what he thought fit her but once one changes that well suited scent it is a difficult process to find another.

"The tribunes Rose scents are better for you." He said in passing through the crowd, he did not want to put her on the spot, he moved like the soft breeze of the atmosphere recycling system pressing air about the Promanade.

"Huh?" Rii'Na had heard someone say something about her perfume, yet there seemed to be no-one around her. "Must be working too hard. JC can help with curing that." She smiled softly as she went on her way.

It was perfect he saw a woman heading in the direction opposite him moving towards Ashe. He changed his course slightly to be on the approaching woman's side and closer than he could have. As the woman evaded subtly he passed beautiful Ashe then caressed her sweet bottom from left to right and spun on his heels to be in the reverse direction and on the other woman's heels, no way a man in that direction could have touched the Commander's bottom as he casually strode away, breaking away to a nearby store front to inspect the wares.

Her body had not changed as much as he had thought.

Rii'Na froze and a chill went down her spine. Someone had brushed past her bottom and not been exactly subtle about it. She turned and scanned the crowd, her training kicking in and her heart feeling like it was about ready to visit her mouth.

*It was probably innocent, you're just up to your ears in work. That could have been anything. Don't panic and let your mind get the better of you.* Ashe took a deep breath, turned around and carried on her way.

"Round One." He mused as he watched those supple legs walk away, though if she were bare legged he might have tried a little more 'personal touch. No, this was the time to watch and wait, get to know her again before he made the formal steps of Introduction, she had been forced to live without his affections. Women are very catty when their feelings are wounded or especially 'neglected' for any period of time. She might give him the cold shoulder and play hard to get; he smiled at that, if only she knew that is half the fun of the chase.

Ashe was pretty puzzled by the recent events, she stopped in a corridor rubbing at her neck. At least meeting JC tonight would make everything feel much better.


Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

Unseen admierer
Formerly her Affectionate Benefactor.


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