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Aria's Day (Part 1)

Posted on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 6:42pm by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

942 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Various Locations

"The time is 05:00 hours" the computer said simply as the lights in the bedroom slowly came on. Aria, groaned as she rolled over, pulling the bedsheets around her.
"Seriously... can I have another five minutes?" she asked.
"Negative" the computer replied. Aria sat up right and rubbed her eye as she stared at the chronometer. She was due on duty in an hour, another Monday Morning, another day of running the Security of one of the biggest starbases in the fleet.

She swung her legs out of the bed and slowly raised up out of the bedsheets. Stretching she made her way into the bathroom, dropping her night clothes as she walked. Luckily for her, the shower was already nice and hot and the warm water ran over her body washing away any sweat or grime from the night before.

After showering, she stood infront of her mirror observing her body. She grabbed her stomach area and sighed.
"No more peach buns today Aria" she said simply. She didn't like the idea of putting on excess weight, especially since she had one of the most physically active roles on the entire station.

Her uniform, consisting of the standard Starfleet gold cropped undershirt, grey and black tunic and her skirt all hung neatly in her wardrobe. It didn't take her long to get dressed and soon she found herself wandering down the corridor. Aria was not what you would call the best morning person on the station.

"Good morning Chief!" security officer Kell said cheerfully as Aria passed one of the many bases security checkpoints. The blue Bolian, much like any other Bolian had a tendancy to be very talkative and sometimes downright annoying. "I was wondering lieutenant, did you get my report I put in last night? I know it was probably full of errors, but I was enjoying a nice spiced Vulcan tea at the time..."

Aria shot him what could only be described as a 'death glare'.
"Ensign" she said simply, her tone of voice quite low. "I'm not on duty just yet; and I haven't had coffee yet" she said simply. The Bolian raised an eyebrow as if confused.
"Erm..." he replied.
"Basically" Aria said. "Why not ask Warrant Officer Lavery what happened the last time someone stopped me getting my morning coffee..." she said nodding to the other security officer who was with Kell. Lavery simply put a hand on Kell's shoulder and lowered his head.
"It's not worth it man. Just let her go get her coffee. You've heard of Captain Janeway yes?"
Kell nodded. "Indeed I have. She was famous for needing her coffee intake however what I find fascinating is..."
"She's worse..." Lavery said simply. He looked over at Aria and simply nodded.
"Thank You" Aria said simply before continuing on her way giving Kell a rather strange smile.

She eventually arrived at her favourite breakfast spot on the base. A small coffee shop hidden away down on one of the lower levels. The coffee was always freshly ground, and they seemed to make the most amazing pastries. She ordered her usual order, that of a large Caramel Latte with Cinnamon Spice accomponied by a chocolate croissant.

Once she had sat down at her usual table, by the interior window overlooking the base's internal docking bay did she pull out her duty roster for the day. She had a lot to do today, she doubted if she would even have five minutes to herself. She munched on her croissant as she scrolled down, she had been running the security department for a long time, however since yesterday had been one of her assigned rest days, her assistant chief had left her plenty of work to catch up on.

On the list were the induction of several new security recruits, some transfer requests from other departments and some fresh new blood right out of the academy. "Great..." she muttered. Training others was not her strongest point. Also today, there was four scheduled cargo bay security checks with the Operations Department which she was not looking forward to either. She also had to supervise the security arrangments for two departing freighters, and one arrival. On top of that, she had no idea when a Starfleet Ship might suddely decide to appear at the base, which gave her yet more work! The bigger the ship, the more work she had to do as well, and knowing it being the start of a new week, that was very likely to happen.

It wasn't all fun and games being a security Chief of a large station such as Typhon. In fact some days it was the most stressful and tedious job you could get. The last item on her list of duties was one she would be looking forward to, she had some tests to do on the security network including a simulated weapons test of the base's phasers and torpedo launchers. However if the other tasks took too long, this would be put off 'again' until the next day. Her list of duties seemed to never end and the security department was one of the biggest and most vital departments in maintaing the smooth operation of everything else.

She finished her coffee and breakfast, tucked the PADD inside her uniform to keep it safe. She waved at the coffee shops owner to indicate to put it on her tab, she always payed on a Friday for the last week. Then with a swish of her skirt she was off and heading towards the first checkpoint of the day, the start of induction for the new recruits.

To be continued...


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