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Aria's Day (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 6:43pm by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Edited on on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 6:45pm

1,030 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Security Complex

The doors of the security complex swished open and several new security officers sat nervously waiting in the reception area. Security was a large complex on Starbase Typhon. It was more like a police station for a city rather than just a security office. The complex comprised of a reception area, where anyone could walk up and get security advice or help; several training rooms including live weapons testing areas and shooting ranges, one hundred holding cells, including several maximum security cells and the brig for use of Starfleet. The complex also included Aria's office, which was quite large and sported a nice view of the internal docking space for the station as well as the master at arms office, emergency medical areas for injured security personnel; deployment transporter rooms enabling security to beam quickly to anywhere they needed to be, weapons lockers alongside the main armoury and to complete it off there was a large room called security control.

Security control was a large room, not quite as big as the main operations, however similar in design. Everything and everyone could be monitored, tracked and deployed from this room. It was where Aria could deploy her teams and watch for any trouble base wide.

"You all the new recruits?" she asked simply. She did not smile, neither did she frown or show that she was monumentally pissed off that she was the one that had to do this. Several of them nodded. Aria simple smiled.
"Training room six. Now!" Several of them looked at each other in confusion. "I don't know about you guys, but if a senior officer gives you an order, you FOLLOW IT!" Aria said raising her voice towards the end of it.
"Where is training room six?" one of the newbies asked as he jumped up.
"You want to be in security. Find it" Aria responded as she walked off.

Several minutes later, Aria walked into the training room to find most of the recruits either panting from lack of breath or looking around slightly confused. She didn't say a word to them, she simply walked over to the small stage infront of the presentation board and stepped up to the podium.
"If you haven't guessed already. I am the Chief of Security of this Starbase" she told them simply. "I am Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki. You can refer to me as Lieutenant, Chief or Sir. Use Ma'am and be expected to find yourself in another department".

There seemed to be a few worried faces around the room. "Luckily for you. I am going easy on you, that was your first test". The door opened and a few stragglers stumbled in, each of them out of breath and red in the face. Aria simply crossed her arms as they stumbled in and then realised they were late.
"Not a good start" she told them simply. "If I was a criminal, I could be anywhere on this station in a matter of minutes. You best sit down"

Once they had sat down she cleared her throat and began her usual speech that she gave new recruits to the department. "The first thing I am going to say is that if you are here because you think being on a Starbase is easy, then leave now" she paused for the reaction. "Unlike a Starship, we have many more civilians on board, we have a much larger area not to mention we have admirals, intelligence and a hundred deck promenade to protect. Security if also responsible, not for just the internal threats such as petty criminals, terrorism, peace keeping, cargo checks, smuggling rings and general policing, but also for the outer threats to this station. Why would a Romulan ship suddenly decloak off one of our wings? What happens when it begins to open fire? What would happen to everyone on this base if we fail?" she explained to them.

"Here you will learn to be more than security officers. You will become experts on crowd control, conflict management, counter-intelligence operatives, sabotage spotters and detectives to everything and everyone around you" she paused, she could already see a few faces that showed mixed emotions. "If you get a bad start with me, like you guys..." she nodded towards the latecomers "...then you'll never get very far in this department. If you're not upto my standards then find yourself a nice small Excelsior or Miranda Class starship and sod off on it. I'm not here to beat around the bush, and I'm not here to mother you. Whether you're new to Starfleet or not, there is more of a chance that this time next year you could be facing a promotion or you could be dead. Maybe neither, maybe I've thrown you off the bas by then for incompitence. Basically what I'm saying to you is that if you screw up then you could not only be killed yourself, but all one hundred and ten thousand lives could be lost as well." she finished her preach to them all and stepped down. "Lieutenant Riileys here will be your instructor" she introduced him as the Lieutenant approached with a somewhat nervous smile. Aria nodded to him before taking her leave.

That was one of the many things she had to do out of the way. As soon as she was through the doors she took a deep breath and let out a sigh. She hated having to tell potential members of her teams that they could possibly end up dead on such an assignment. However it was true, with so many security threats and the amount of information on a base such as Starbase Typhon, security had to be tighter than the knot in your stomach when you're a child and just being caught red handed by your mother when you've done something very naughty. Aria had to co-ordinate every single security aspect on the base, from ensuring that the Admirals get to their important pencil-pushing meetings safely, to the Klingon in the Cake shop refusing to pay because his cream scone isn't alive and growling at him. Aria had a very interesting job, that was for sure!

To be continued...


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