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Aria's Day (Part 6)

Posted on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 6:50pm by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

779 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Aria's Office & Quarters

It was nearly 16:00 hours. Aria didn't have the time today to do the simulated weapons test that she had been planning for the last several days. Therefore she retreated back to her office to finish off any paperwork that needed to be doing. It was the first time she had even been in her own office all day. She couldn't help but let out a moan as she looked at her desk. Yesterday she had worked down to a good handful of PADDS. Today however the pile had accumulated to several piles.

"Why does everyone hate me on this station!" she whined outloud as she slumped into her chair. She picked up the first PADD. A security report on a petty theft on the Promenade. "Remind me to hire a secretary..." she sighed as she placed it to one side. It didn't interest her, there was no need to know absolutely everything that was going on.
"Why does every officer, their dog and their dog's flee's insist on giving me a report on EVERY. MINOR. THING. EVER!" she said to herself outloud. "Don't I have security information officers for this kind of thing?!" she moaned. Several more PADDS were just placed aside, mainly just silly little reports on the general policing of the station. Everything from the rowdy drunk Klingons in a bar, to the little old lady on deck six hundred who's cat has gone missing and was now blaming the new Chinese restaurant on the promenade.

The chronometer chimed and Aria suddenly realised that she had worked over her schedule shift time. She pushed her chair back and stretched, the day had been hard and long. She was looking forward to finally getting off of shift, putting her feet up and relaxing for a while. She couldn't wait to get back home.

Her quarters were dark when she returned home, however the lights soon activated when she walked in. She tapped in her food order into the replicator, tonight she was having fresh fish in sauce with a bed of white rice. A simple but easy meal to replicate. She programmed it to be ready once she had finished taking a bath, in which to unwind. The bubbles and salts in the bath always helped her to relax after a stressful day.

She loved her job, she enjoyed the challenged that came with it. However she had good and bad days. The life of a station security chief was far from boring, she never really stopped. At least she always had something to do, whether that be wrestling with a rowdy Klingon to maintain order, put a Starfleet Commander in his place, set a trap for a drug smuggling ring or tell new recruits exactly what they are getting into. Aria's days were never the same, they were never routine and she always had new problems to deal with. At least, she could call herself adaptable and flexible. It might be a tough job, but in the end Aria was one hell of a tough girl. She could handle it, unlike so many others that couldn't.

She soon found herself submerged in the water, with only her nose and eyes poking out above the surface. She felt warm and safe in the hot water, and the steam swirled and danced around the room as if a ballet was going on in midair. She could feel herself beginning to drift, and decided that it was time to get out. She could perhaps catch up on some of her reading tonight, or maybe just sit and watch the starships move in and out without having to worry about who's on them. She's off duty now, so all her troubles she had endured for the last ten hours were now someone elses problem.

After toweling, she dressed in something casual. Choosing a light pink loose one piece dress. It was made of silk and flowed quite nicely, easily comfortable enough to be lounging around in. Moving over to the replicator she picked her food out of the serving hatch and snapped open her chopsticks. Turning she saw a shadow on the couch behind her.

"Oh hi" she said with a smile. "I didn't hear you come in" she paused as she approached the shadow. "You would not believe the day I've had" she placed herself gently down on the couch as a pair of hands slowly gripped her shoulders and began to massage them slowly. "Oh...." she said as her muscles began to relax "I need this so much. Let me tell you what crap I've had to face today..."

Posting by

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon


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