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Aria's Day (Part 5)

Posted on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 6:46pm by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

1,050 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Docking Port 12

Aria needed five minutes to simply cool off. She had passed on the issue of offloading the refugee's from the Lancaster to her assistant whom had already begun to co-ordinate the security teams to work with medical. Due to the Lancaster arriving, several freighters had been held and were now delayed. Of course this always meant one thing. Unhappy freighter captains, a few hours delay could always cause them to get agitated and even sometimes agressive towards Starfleet.

Aria had grabbed herself a cup of coffee on the way to an incident at Docking Port Twelve. A freighter captain was unhappy that he would have to wait until tomorrow to depart, due to the Lancaster taking priority over the traffic ways. Also with the lack of dispatching staff his departure time had been cancelled. Aria arrived, coffee in hand and discovered two of her officers attempting to calm down the Klingon Captain.

"Whats going on here?" Aria asked as she wandered over.
"About time!" The Klingon Captain spat at her. "Let my ship go Starfleet! I have resources for the empire!"
"Not happening" Aria said calmly, but cooly. She didn't want to start a physical fight with a Klingon Freighter Captain. The Klingon clenched his fists.
"You will let my ship go or I will wring your neck!" he threatened. Aria let out a large audible sigh.
"Captain...." she held out her free hand for the Kligon's name.
"Kaarch" he said. "Son of...
"Son of whoever, I don't really care!" Aria said stepping towards him. "You are not leaving this Station just yet. You have no clearance and you're NOT going to get it. If you attempt to leave then I will have the pleasure of blowing you up with the station's phasers should you break free!" she snapped at him. She gulped down the last of her coffee, yes it was hot but she wasn't going to show him that she was weak. She threw the empty to-go cup aside.

The Klingon growled. "You are lying Starfleet Pa'tek!" he spat at her, hitting her in the face with his saliver. Aria simply wiped it off with her thumb and threw it down onto the deckplates. She grabbed his uniform bit both of her hands and pulled his head down so she faced him directly.
"That. Was. A. BIG. Mistake. Klingon!" she said. She was riled up and frankly wasn't in the best moods. She let go of him with some force pushing him towards the bulkhead. "Go on, try to leave. Watch as I laugh at your dishonour as you try to escape my weapon systems like a COWARD!" she shouted at him.

By now the other security officers had backed off. The Klingon growled and pulled out a knife. Aria instantly drew her phaser ready at the defense.
"HOW DARE YOU!" he bellowed as he lunged towards her. Aria was caught slightly off guard as in dodging her phaser was knocked out of her hand and clattered to the floor. The Klingon laughed as he stamped on the phaser with his boot smashing it.
"You now die. I have been looking forward to a good fight for a while now! You're weak Starfleet!" he laughed. However Aria was quicker, she soon got around him and crouched down by the deckplating. Before he knew it an orange phaser beam hit the Kaarch in the back. As he fell down, he turned and looked at Aria, a second phaser in her other hand.

She approached him as he fell slowly to the floor. "You should know that I am known as Aria the Quadra!" she said to him, crouching down and simply removing the knife from his hand. "I always carry two firearms on me, and two hidden blades" she explained. "You had one, you would never have stood a chance. Let this be a lesson to you Klingon. You're just a lowly Freighter Captain. If you dock here again, don't cross my path again. Because I can make your life hell!"

"A good opponant at last!" The Klingon said as he laid on the floor. Aria pulled a set of handcuff out of her skirt pocket and tossed them to one of her officers. "Take him to a holding cell. Then secure his ship and crew" she ordered with a smile. She lifted the Klingon's chin slightly so he could see directly into her eyes.
"You were in such a hurry to get out of here that you were willing to kill a Starfleet Officer. You're hiding something on that ship aren't you?". Kaarch looked away as if he seemed uninterested.
"Well, let me assure you. I will search that ship and I will find whatever you are hiding... weapons maybe? Drugs? Maybe even a Romulan Cloaking Device?"

"I would never! You can't search my ship without a warrant. You have no right to do so!" Kaarch spat at her. Aria simply smiled in response.
"You're right. However. I can do a health and safety inspection of any vessel and its cargo to see if it complies with Federation safety standards..." she told him with a grin on his face. "Oh, by the way Kaarch. You're also under arrest for the illegal transportation of illegal technology across the Romulan Neutral Zone!"

Kaarch's eyes opened wide. "You didn't think I wouldn't catch you. I've been tracking you for weeks, its strange how your ship disappears suddenly off of all our sensor networks in the same place and reappears several days later at the exact same place. Then you dock here, and repeat it again and again. Every time things on Typhon go missing. Computer files, weapons and I bet I will find these on your ship won't I?"

"Kill me now for my dishonour Starfleet!" Kaarch said simply.
"Nah" Aria said. "I'd rather keep you alive. I'm sure that Starfleet Intelligence has a few questions for you. I hope you like making license plates..."
"License plates?" Kaarch questioned.
"Get him out of here" Aria ordered before tapping her comm badge and ordered three of her best security teams to search and seize Kaarch's vessel as well as take any of his crew into custody. With yet another case closed, that was another item off of Aria's list.

To be continued...


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