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Covert Meetings (part 3)

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 8:59pm by Morticia & Drake
Edited on on Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 9:08pm

969 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: A bar somewhere



"That's what I thought," she said to his comment bout pirates. "You're right. My profits aren't suffering, but my ability to gain them is. Whoever these pretenders are have brought unnecessary attention by the Federation, and that bothers me. I don't want them sniffing around. I may have to shut down operations for a while and I'd rather not do that." She was more concerned about being discovered, but he didn't need to know that.


"You could always operate from the Blackheart." Kilgore replied softly, placing his drink down, as he looked firmly at her. "You wouldn't have anymore problems with the Federation or worrying over shutting down and losing profits." He leaned slowly back in his chair, never shifting his eye contact, his voice slowly developing an uneasy tone. "You could keep your secrets, and your profits, and you would have all the safety you will ever need, but you say no. Repeatedly. Because you are comfortable in your ways. Which is fine... or is it something else? Is it the Blackheart itself? When you need something, you're here and I give you whatever you need. When you don't need anything, however, you would rather distance yourself from us... from... ME." Kilgore finally shifted his gaze to his drink, as he lifted it up again, looking back to her with gentle eyes and a normal toned voice. "Which brings to question: How much is my business truly worth to you?"

She laughed softly. "Thanks for the offer, but I've worked for other people before. I like my independence." She smiled sweetly. "You could say I'm set in my ways." Then she became business-like again. "I don't want your business, just your information, and for that I thank you."

Kilgore squeeze his hand, shattering the glass in his hands, before slamming it onto the table. He stood up from his chair, knocking it over, as he leaned down towards her. "I am trying not to be insulted, my dear." He shouted, smiling slightly, as he continued. "And normally, when I am insulted, people die." He slowly straightened himself up and grabbed the napkin from the table, wrapping it around his palm, as he spoke in a normal tone. "Then, perhaps, your information can come at a price. A price that I will thank you for." He tied the napkin before shouting. "Mister Gibbs!"

The Ferengi jumped and walked quickly towards Kilgore. "Yes, Captain?"

"My Klingon PADD, please."

"Aye Sir." Gibbs reached into the satchel and dug through his various PADDs before pulling out the long Klingon one. He placed it onto the table and walked away with a bow.

Morticia was used to Kilgore's tantrums, especially as she kept secrets from him, so she waited patiently for him to explain the PADD.

"Mister Gibbs?"

"Aye, Captain?" Gibbs replied hesitantly.

"Send for the prisoner, please." Kilgore asked softly as he tapped on the PADD and slid it over to Morticia.

"Of course." Gibbs said as he ran out of the door.

"That is all I have on my missing Executive Officer." Kilgore said firmly as he leaned back in his chair, removing his Klingon Disruptor, before adding. "It's not much and I am hoping you can give me more. Like a location of where to find her. I don't like people leaving my ship, especially, when they have access to information that can cost me. I need to find her, and for someone who finds her, I can be very generous."

She thumbed through the PADD, raising an eyebrow when she recognized who it was. "I haven't seen or heard of her, but I'll check around." That didn't mean she'd turn over the information. Anyone who got away from Kilgore alive deserved to stay away. Then she remembered hearing something. "Wasn't her shuttle destroyed with her on board?"

"Was she, now?" Kilgore said firmly as he stood up and walked over to her side of the table. "Check the date marker on the photo." He said as he pointed to the photo on the PADD. "It's dated after the alleged shuttle accident. Furthermore, My dear, where is the remains? No humanoid remains were found." He stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath, before tapping the Disruptor on the table. "And I refuse to believe she is dead if there are no remains!"

"So you want me to look around for her so you can kill her?" Morticia asked.

"I... want... her... back." Kilgore said, leaning down slowly towards her, looking into her eyes firmly. He had very strong feelings about this fact. He wanted Morgana back, that was not in question, because of how much he meant to her. However, he couldn't let her go off with no assurance what she knows will remain a secret. He felt he was between a rock and a hard place with this situation. He either had to stick to his guns and deal with her if she refused to return or let her go and appear weak among his crew without exposing how much she meant to him and way. "Let me be perfectly clear on this. Killing her is the very last thing I want to do, but if given no other option, she may force hand when I would rather she not."

Morticia nodded. "I understand. I'll keep my eye out for her."

At that moment, two members of Kilgore's crew, dragged in a man in a Starfleet Security Uniform. He looked like he had been put through the ringer and could hardly keep his eyes opened.

(To be continued...)

Independent Merchant

Captain Thayne Kilgore
Captain, Blackheart



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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor on Wed Nov 6th, 2019 @ 6:29am

Each post is building such nice tension. You did a great job of keeping interest, AND intrigue. What complex, interesting characters these two are. And Mr. Gibbs is a bit of a brave one himself!