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Covert Meetings (part 4)

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 9:05pm by Morticia & Drake
Edited on on Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 9:09pm

1,098 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: A bar somewhere



At that moment, two members of Kilgore's crew, dragged in a man in a Starfleet Security Uniform. He looked like he had been put through the ringer and could hardly keep his eyes opened.


"The Lieutenant here thought he could come forward and stake claim on the reward I offered for my first mate. What is it about these utopia Fleeters that still drives them to be greedy? Give them a world where economy isn't as important as it once was and suddenly money is the only way to get them to come out and offer a hand." Kilgore replied with a smile as he walked over to the downed Lieutenant. "I kept asking him the same question until he finally decided to give me the answer. It took him a while to realize that holding back would only make things worse." He looked over to Morticia and smiled as he added. "Seem's to me that they should start giving more Business classes in the Academy, or at least, have them shadow a Ferengi for a few days. Get them to understand that business relies on trust and honesty." He eased his Klingon Disruptor back into his belt and nodded his head to Morticia. "They just don't seem to have the same hunger for business as we do."

"They have different priorities," she said. "What's your name?" she asked the lieutenant.

"Eliot." He replied weakly. "Eliot Black. Lieutenant JG."

"Mister Black here has finally realized the errors of his ways." Kilgore said as he walked slowly around the officer, stopping behind him, as he looked to Morticia. "Attempting to claim money over a lie." He waved his finger slightly. "Naughty Naughty Starfleet. Seem's he is in a lot of debt and felt that leading me on a while goose chase was his easy way to make money."

"It wasn't a lie." The officer said weakly. "I did see her."

"And yet she was no where to be found!" Kilgore shouted.

"Where did you see her?" Morticia asked Black. She nodded in acknowledgement of Kilgore's comment. She needed to figure out what to do about Black, and she might as well have a look for this woman while he was at it. If nothing else, to warn her that Kilgore was on her trail.

"Copacati." Eliot replied softly. "I saw her. I know I did." He said weakly, looking down, as he held his sides.

"I sent my men all over Copacati. No one there remembers seeing her and none of the hotels had anyone sign in under any of the alias that she uses." Kilgore rested his hand on the handle of his sword as he looked over to Morticia. "She is very good at staying under the radar, but I know all her tricks and I know what to look for."

She again nodded. "There aren't many places to hide out there."

She again turned to Black. "How do you know what she looks like?"

"it's not the first time her picture came across the wire." Black replied softly, looking up to Morticia. "The Marshall sent out a BOLO with her picture and a few variations with orders to report back to him. Once I saw one of his men flashing a picture of her around I recognized her from the BOLO's."

Kilgore gripped the handle of his blade tighter. "Of course. The Chameloid."

"So she's also running from Starfleet?" Morticia asked. She had no respect for someone who would betray the oaths he or she made for latinum. That type could not be trusted for anything.

She looked at Kilgore. "You know if he's willing to go against the oath he made to Starfleet, he's willing to lie about seeing her. If this Marshall has a BOLO out on her, she won't be in the sector now."

"But it doesn't mean she will not return." Kilgore replied softly before adding. "If there is one thing I know Morgana has learned, and utilized, while working in my employ it was this. Sometimes its best to hide under their nose then out of their view. It seldom the one place the never think to look." He looked to Morticia and smiled as he let out a deep sigh. "You have your work cut out for you, My dear. She is a skillful fox and it takes an even more skillful hound to track her down."

Morticia nodded. "I'll see what I can do." She nodded to Black. "Do you want to keep him, or shall I take him with me?" If she got him, he would live, but he'd never have the opportunity to sell any information again.

Kilgore narrowed his eyes at Morticia, soon letting a smile escape, before turning away to face the door. "You can take him." He said with a soft tone. Soon his hand gripped onto his swords handle and a devilish smile formed on his face. In an almost smooth motion, he removed his sword and turned around, letting out a scream as his blade pierced through the Lieutenant's chest. He blade came out of his chest bloody and soon was removed, allowing the body to drop on the ground, just as Kilgore eased it back into its sheath. "Althought... I fail to see what use you will get from a corpse." He laughed, prompting his crewmen to laugh. As quickly as the laughing began, it was halted, as his gaze locked onto Morticia. "Don't come back with nothing, My dear, because I would hate for you to force my hand. I am counting on you to succeed. Don't fail, because I hate bad information." He nudged Lieutenant Blacks body with his foot before concluding. "Just ask your friend here."

"He's no friend of mine," she said, stepping over the body. "And since you deprived me of the pleasure of dealing with him, I leave him to you."

She paused and turned around. "I will contact you only if I have news." Then she walked out, knowing she would be watched and followed.

Kilgore smiled, as if slightly impressed by her reaction. Before she walked out, he shouted "Remember, Morticia." He said as he turned around. "There are fates far worse then death." He looked to one of crewmen and nodded his head. "And I know them all." Kilgore and his crew was soon taken away with a Romulan style transporter beam.


Captain Thayne Kilgore
Captain, Blackheart

Independent Merchant


Lieutenant JG Eliot Black


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor on Wed Nov 6th, 2019 @ 6:34am

So interesting deciding who has made a mis-step here. Thanks for a compelling tale.