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Unmasked (part 3)

Posted on Tue Nov 12th, 2019 @ 10:04am by Morticia

947 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Aboard the Arthurian



Seth walked out of the shuttlebay with her toward the turbolift. She could see the damage done to the ship. It was bad, but fixable once they reached Athena shipyards. The question was if they would make it in their condition. They took a big hit during the attack.


Once the turbolift stopped, they continued down the corridor, towards Sickbay. It only hit her how bad it was once they reached a room where there were covered bodies. The room wasn't full, by any means, but the lose of crewman was a huge hit to any crew, as well as, Captain. The entered Sickbay and she could see the small staff, and LMH, hard at work.

The XO led her passed the wounded and crewman to room in the back. He stopped just outside of the door and looked toward Raven. "Darius is in there." He said softly. "He's taken a heavy hit, and I don't mean physically. He lost crew. His ship is near ruins. His attempt to do some good failed in a bad way. Right now, his emotional pain, is far deeper then his physical pain."

She nodded. "Can we haev some time alone?"

"Of course." Seth said softly. "Just tell the officer inside to stand outside."

She paused to look at Darius, then pulled up a chair so she could sit by him and take his hand in hers. She wasn't sure if he was awake or not, if he'd hear her or not, so she chose telepathy. "Darius, I'm here." She let him feel her love for him, her need to have him stay with her. "It's going to be all right."

Darius looked like hell. Some of the skin covering his cybernetic arm was torn, revealing the raw mechanics underneath, mechanics that didn't seem to be working at the moment. He had some bruising and scars, but the more concerning injury was the brace over his neck.

"Are you sure?" He answered in a weak voice, before his eyes slowly opened. "Cause it doesn't feel like it's gonna be alright."

"it won't, right now," she said, smiling. "But it will, in time. I should explain..." She kissed his hand. "I'm Morticia. I'm a former mercenary who works as an independent contractor from time to time. I picked up your distress call and came to help." "And I need you to be all right," she added telepathically.

He looked her, up and down, as much as he could while laying in bed. Darius laughed weakly before saying. "Funny... For a second there... I thought you were someone else." He looked away slightly, cringing slightly, as he did so.

"I am, usually," she said, dropping Morticia's accent. "But as long as I'm with the Hawthorne, I have to be Morticia." She gently brushed his mind with hers. "I'm here to rescue you."

Darius raised a brow slightly, any more it would be painful. "Raven? Is this a kink thing that I need to be aware of... cause... I could get into it." He smirked slightly.

She chuckled softly. "No. Before I joined Starfleet, I worked for an organization as a mercenary. I'd run supplies and occasionally weapons to freedom fighters and planets in need of supplies that weren't authorized by the Federation. I worked under the name of Morticia. When I left the business and joined Starfleet, I kept Morticia and the Hawthorne. I use them from time to time if I need to gather information or drop off some much-needed supplies. Until today, only Khiy and N'alae knew about Morticia because we worked together. Now you, Seth, and Chaka know as well. I work in the gray areas, careful not to cross the line and have Starfleet on my trail, but I still keep my two lives separate. I was going to tell you as soon as i figured out how." She gently caressed the uninjured part of his face. "This wasn't exactly what I had in mind. But I couldn't ignore your distress call."

She leaned forward and gently kissed him. "I'm here, love, and I want to help."

There was a knock at the door. Morticia looked up to see the doctor standing in the doorway. "That's enough for now. He needs to sleep. We'll check in the morning to see if he needs more surgery."

"More surgery?" Morticia asked, looking from Darius to the doctor.

He nodded. "There may be more internal injuries." He came in and looked at the readings. "Although he does seem to have improved since you arrived."

She was pleased he was looking better, although she was still worried. She sent a telepathic caress to Darius, who was falling asleep, and stood. "All right. I'll be back in the morning. Let me know if there's any change."

The doctor inclined his head. "Where will I find you?"

That was a good question. She wasn't sure where she was going to be, if it would be on the Arthurian or the Hawthorne. "Commander Reigns will know how to find me, as will Chaka."

The doctor didn't even raise an eyebrow. "Very well. I will send word if there are any changes to his condition. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to see to my patient."

Morticia stepped aside so he could go to Darius, then headed for the bridge to see what she could do to help get the ship back to Typhon.


Morticia (Raven Adams)
Independent Merchant
SS Hawthorne

Commander Seth Reigns
First Officer
USS Arthurian

Chief Security Officer
USS Arthurian

Captain Darius Cayne
Commanding Officer
USS Arthurian


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor on Thu Nov 14th, 2019 @ 4:14am

Like most things we dread, this didn't turn out to be so bad. Thanks for not having him dead before I even got to know Darius! =)