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Reporting the loss.

Posted on Thu Nov 7th, 2019 @ 8:48pm by Captain Landon Mabrade & Petty Officer 1st Class Lurch & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes

1,533 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Command Conference Room


Mabrade hated this part of his Command Duties; he had to listen to the incident report by Captain Culver, what left a bad taste in his muth is having to make a judgement in this case. It seemed that Culver has a reputation that lends a bad shadow to his debriefing.

Culver had been taken off the list for promotion to Commodore; and not from his performance according to his file, it was a decision by Command at the time. It seems that Culver had a civilian incident that was not reflecting well on the fleet and he appears to have been punished for 'that' crime.

Mabrade had not gone into the details too deeply scarce to say that infidelity and high profile civilians were involved. Mabrade thought the Fleet was above such petty things; it was being treated more like a bad social point among royals or such. Anyway, the Captain Culver transfer to outer systems; given another command aside from his ship of the line and cast into the far boarders was more of a politically motivated move.

Now this same captain has an all but destroyed vessel returning to the Typhon Sector. Some of the 'scuttlebutt is that some of teh star ship commanding officers think he should be out in the boarders still. Mabrade read the report of the encounter; how Culver used a Nova class vessel to get a wolf pack of three ships in combat and win. The tactical aspects alone showed Culver to have a very perceptive way of using his tactical resources. But this is a debriefing so what personal observations made by Mabrade are not suppose to be emotionally motivated.

He sat in the conference room waiting for other officers to arrive then they would have Mabrade give his report before rendering a decision on what becomes of Captain Culver; does he get reprimanded or just exonerated. Mabrade thought the attack was unprovoked and a success; unlike the ship the USS Keplar was sent to find, the Keplar did make it back to Typhon.

"This is going to be interesting." Mabrade commented to Yeoman Lurch. "Be sure all recordings are accurate."

"Y-e-s S-i-r." The slow speech of Lurch was almost deceptive on how observant and intelligent the man really is.

Mabrade could only wait for the others to arrive.

Aria was first to enter. "Captain" she said simply as she moved over to the large windows and stared out of them at the ongoing vasteness of space. "You don't often call us all here, something has happened out there right?"

Billy Jo was surprised to be called to a briefing on Typhon, but she was curious so she made sure her coveralls were clean and headed to the briefing.

"Hi, y'all!" she said cheerfully when she walked in.

"Hello Commander Rhodes." Mabrade rose as the lady had entered. "So glad you could make it.

"B-i-l-l-y J-o-e." Lurch greet her in his monotone and bow."

Ashe checked herself over before walking into the conference room; considering duty shift was in full swing she could trust her beta crew to keep things running. She spotted Billy Jo and Lurch then Mabrade, Raven and Aria.

"I do hope I am not late, joys of command and all." Rii'Na addressed the room. "Good to see you again, Billy Jo, and you Mister Lurch. You always seem to keep Ops stocked so well. How on Earth you found out I like Kava juice, I doubt I will ever know."

"Hey, Rii'Na, good to see you, too."

"Aria, good to see you. I hope all is well for you both."

Aria nodded slightly at the Commander. "Things could be a bit better considering the circumstances" she replied.

"Captain, I hope that all is well? Is there something that I don't know about? I would hate to think that I was remiss in my duties; we just haven't had many meetings like this in my time here so far."

"I am sure you had the USS Keplar on your sensors?" Mabrade said. "Your man Conroy was Flight OPS at the time. I have the Commanding Officer to give a report on the result of his status looking for the freighter lost that the USS Keplar was routed to search for when it was attacked by several Pirates in the area."

"I read about that poor little ship," Billy Jo said. "Sad to see a ship treated like that."

Aria looked over at Billy Jo. "I can't believe that we couldn't get out there soon enough" she said in a slightly disappointed tone.

"Those varmints know how to stay just far enough away," Billy Jo said. "They're like gators back home. They lie in wait and just when you think it's safe, wham, they grab you and pull you under."

"I would like all the garrison patrols ships to have their Patrols assigned through the Tactical group." Mabrade glanced to Aria . "They are attacking more strategically; I want to try a new angle to this if you do not mind Chief. "I leave you to do your sleuthing and get them."

"What of Culver, sir?" Rii'Na asked. "Where was he headed when this happened?"

"That is the concerning part." Mabrade said calmly. "He was about 36 hours out from Typhon when he turned to start looking, he encountered them nearly on our Hangar doors." He informed. "I was going to bring him in here to tell the events and answer questions."

"And...?" Billy Jo asked.

"Yes, that sounds like it would be better coming from the source. We might be able to find out a few things that usually don't make it to the reports." Ashe said. looking around the others.

"How can they be that close without us detecting them?" Aria asked. She was rather concerned. She placed her chin between her thumb and forefinger. "I am going to completely overhaul the security network" she explained. She stood up placing both hands on the table.

"Captain. I want to double all security patrols on all airlocks and transporter rooms" she said getting rather worked up. "I apologise, I can't believe I let them get this close, I would also advise that we change all security access codes"

"Down Aria, the threat is still in the space lanes, I am quite aware of how to defend a fortification." He said calmly. "Improve the Security patrols and the other Security protocols we will change in sequence , one job at a time."

Aria scowled at him, and slowly returned her rear end to the chair. "Give me a ship... I'll Fu..." she cut herself off. "Prevent them from hurting anyone else" she said.

"Aria, rule number one. Keep a level head. Going off like that will help no-one. A flaring temper is the best way to get yourself into trouble, not out of it. We will handle this together, and not by going off all half-cocked with no real game plan." Rii'Na said from her chair. "A good plan is better than none at all."

"We can't go running around like we're chasing down a greased pig," Billy Jo said. "That's just gonna leave us with a load of laundry and nothin' to show for it. If these pirates or whatever they are can get this close, they've got their hands in the cookie jar. So, instead of runnin' off half-cocked and blowing people's boots off, we need to figure out how they're gettin' in and lay a trap."

"In that we do have some luck." Mabrade interjected. "It seems Captain Culver had dealt with Pirate before; he had command of an Akira Class and patrolled the DMZ and along the boarders of the Federation. " He looked up. "He also took on three fast corvettes with a Nova class and while his ship barely made it back to the Station we should note he did take out three enemy ships and returned to base." He glanced over to Billy Joe. "You saw the shape the Nova was in; do you have anything that can be Commissioned as he was coming in for a refit and now he is out one Nova class? He was to be assigned as Garrison here, do you have anything ready to be short turn around and ready for duty?"

"'Course I do," Billy Jo replied. "I always got somethin' on the back burner for an emergency."

"Glad to hear it, can you have it ready for Comission as the Keplar - A?" Mabrade asked.

"Sure, but it'll take about two weeks for her to be ship shape," Billy Jo said. "And you need to file the paperwork for the name change."

"W-i-l-l d-o." Lurch said in his usual manner. "D-r-a-f-t o-n D-e-s-k b-y m-o-r-n-i-n-g."

"Thank you Lurch." Mabrade nod to his yeoman. "Bring in Captain Culver to give his assessment of the forces he encountered." Mabrade bid. "It might give us insights into how to best deploy our Garrison ships?"

Culver came in clean shaven to tell the events...


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Athena Shipyards

Commander Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor on Fri Nov 8th, 2019 @ 12:54am

Now that was fun! Much more exciting personalities than most meetings I've attended. =) It gave me a good feel for all these characters, having read the Culver posts. I love Lurch!