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Out of the Blue

Posted on Sat Nov 30th, 2019 @ 7:14am by Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD

1,395 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Current, Early Evening


Like every day since she'd come to Typhon, Sonia found plenty to exhaust her. She'd fallen into the habit of coming to the arboretum after work each day, to walk, to sit, to listen to the birds sing. She wasn't even sure it was real birds, but the sounds were wonderful anyway.

Her walk around done, the doctor sat down on a bench under a tree. She supposed, if the birds were real, she might regret that later, but it seemed like the perfect place for now. She could almost forget she was on a starbase in the middle of space. She leaned back and closed her eyes, focusing on slowing her breathing.

The day had not been too long, still having the Vedeks take up some of her time after prayers could feel like they put a weight back that the Prophets had already lifted. She would be meeting JC for dinner a little later and was so looking forward to it. In the meantime she decided a stroll through the arboretum would help lift her heart a bit. She hummed to herself as she walked through seeing all the flowers in bloom.

Ashe had been wandering for a few minutes when she saw a new face sitting on the bench in the once familiar medical teal. She had deep dark hair and seemed about as tired as you could be at the end of a long day.

"The Prophets certainly know how to test us, now don't they?" Ashe said as she stopped in front of the bench. "I certainly hope I am not disturbing you, Doctor Kapoor."

Sonia opened her eyes, "Not at all. I'm just seeing whether I have enough energy to go home, or if I'm going to sleep on the park bench tonight," she joked. "I'm sure security would love that! How the prophets would feel, I'm not at all sure. Sit, if you'd like."

"Thank you," Ashe said as she took a seat next to Sonia. "I guess a somewhat formal introduction is in order. I am Rii'Na Ashe, the station's Executive Officer." She smiled, seeming rather gentle and kind. "The Prophets are ones that guide us. We like to think that they are happy when we are. It is good to meet you."

"You already know I'm Dr. Kapoor, but my name is Sonia, and I'm glad to put name and face together. There are so many people to learn, as you know, and being on a base multiplies that by what? A hundred for the crew alone. Thankfully, there are civilian doctors to deal with everyone else who streams through here."

She rubbed her forehead, where a headache was beginning, and said, "Sorry, I ramble when I'm tired. Tell me, is there anything wonderful on the promenade? Anything worth going shopping to find when I have time off? Or are recommendations out of the XO's list of duties?" A small smile touched the corner of her mouth. This particular XO didn't look like the type to be upset by much of anything, certainly not this lowly question.

"There is a little smoothie place that does art as well. Sammie is always happy for visitors and customers alike. The Vedeks don't mind curious people if you have an open mind and I can think of a couple of clothing stalls and such that are worth it when you have a free minute. I'd be happy to show you around when you have some free time."

"That would be nice. Maybe when the current pirate activity calms down ... or stops sending people to my Sickbay, at least," Sonia agreed.

"I will come and see you at some point. I am always looking into new treatments for 'untreatable scars'. I used to be a nurse before moving into command. At least, that was after a rather rough patch for me. There is something that I wish could get rid of, but nothing so far has worked. I would never want to burden you with it and all, but maybe you have some knowledge of something I don't. It feels like it is almost... a blemish on my Pagh.....uh soul.... if that makes any sense."

Kapoor nodded, "It makes sense. Some want to keep scars, like badges of honor. Some don't. No judgment from me, either way. I'd be happy to discuss that with you and see if we can't work out something that at least lessens the scar, and then maybe the memories, too."

"This was no badge of honour. The one who gave it to me might think of it that way, or at least as a property marking. I would really appreciate anything that you could do. The blade that made it was tipped in something that dermal regeneration just seems to have a headache with. Now that I am actively seeing someone...." Ashe seemed to bow her head for a moment and rub at her right shoulder where the collar bone and right arm met. "It feels like the past and all of the emotions that come with it are catching up with me and faster than I would like. It's something that I had never wanted to 'hold on to' but I have so far been left with no other option."

"I'll do some research, then, for when you're ready," Sonia said. "If you have an idea what substance was involved, you can send that. I can poke back in your medical records to see what has been done in the past, but I wouldn't normally do that with an otherwise healthy person. I'm presuming you don't object?"

"They never really pinned down what was on that blade, that's half the problem." She swallowed hard, just saying his name was hard. "Gal'Nor was a sleazy man who got away with more than he should have and was very cunning. The Federation people who got me out said that he was long gone by the time the raid took place."

Ashe gently put a hand on Sonia's. "You do what needs to be done. I was in that same colour once, I understand what that means. I'm not about to object, but not everything in there will be sunshine and roses. Their report from when they found me, before my academy admittance; it's not exactly bedtime reading. If you get my meaning." There was no point in not being honest with Sonia, she would find out anyway.

The doctor nodded her head. "Yes, I think I do understand. It's still privileged information, and you can trust me when I say it will be discussed only between you and me. You should be able to free yourself from the past and move on with happiness." The irony of her saying those words to Ashe, when they'd so often been said to her, and disregarded by her, was not lost on Kapoor.

"Let me know when you are ready to pursue things," Sonia added. "We'll move at your pace. Just be aware that I don't give up easily in the pursuit of any treatment."

"That's understandable. I feel like I have had this 'old life' of mine chasing me for a while now. I've even been swaying back and forth about having children. I'm not sure just how much physical damage that monster did to me over the years. If I wasn't compliant, he had a habit of 'knocking me out'. I'd wake up isolated from the others and so sore and sorry for myself. Is it any wonder the Vedeks called me a shattered person?"

She gave Sonia's knee a small pat. "I am sure you will do everything you can to ... put this 'humpty' back together again?" Ashe said, a little unsure if she got the reference right. "Go home, get some sleep, and if you need anything, just ask. Be Well. It was good to meet you Doctor Kapoor."

Kapoor smiled up at her as the woman stood. "It was good to meet you, too. I've enjoyed our chat ... except that I'm sorry you've had so much trauma. We'll look at everything when you're ready. I'm not a magician, but I am good at putting people back together, just like the egg on the wall."


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Dr. Sonia Kapoor
Chief Medical Officer


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