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Getting Back to Normal

Posted on Sun Dec 8th, 2019 @ 1:12am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

669 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Porter's Quarters


The station had been so busy lately with all the problems that she'd barely had any time with Wilhelm. So, she decided it was time to take matters in hand. She sent him a formal invitation to dine in her quarters at 2000 hours.

Then she set about preparing a formal dinner for two.

Meanwhile, while going through readiness reports, Wilhelm's PADD beeped with the invitation. Smiling he looked up at the clock and smiled realizing he had just enough time to get cleaned up and make a quick stop on the Concourse.

Slightly before the appointed time Wilhelm stood in Jane's doorway. "White or Red?" Wilhelm said holding up two bottles in one hand and a simple bouquet of flowers in the other.

Jane considered the question for a long moment. In reality, she was enjoying watching Wilhelm. It hadn't been that long, but she had missed him. A slow smile spread across her face. "Red, I think."

She took the opportunity while his hands were full to kiss him. "Thank you for the flowers. They are the perfect centerpiece."

"You're welcome." Wilhelm said with a smile after the kiss and handed her the flowers. Stepping in farther to Jane's quarters. "Mmmm. Something smells good."

"For you, I have sautéed steak and potato medallions, salad, and black forest cake. I hope they are to your liking."

"That sounds great!" Wilhelm said then made his way over to the table and seen Jane grab a vase for the flowers. After the flowers were put in place Wilhelm pulled out Jane's seat. "Madam." he said formally but with a playful lilt.

"Thank you, sir," she replied politely. Her smile, however, was equally playful. "I have missed you," she admitted, placing her napkin on her lap.

Wilhelm filled both of their glasses with held his up in a toast position. "To the Queen?" He said with a smile "Even better. To us."

"Yes. To us," she said, raising her glass to him in a toast.

After the meal progressed a few minutes Wilhelm commented. "Very good Dearest. It's been so long since we've done something like this, I've almost forgotten my table manners! How have you been?"

"We've added a new level to the arboretum," she said. "It's a proper British garden, but it took a while to get everything just right. I've had little time for anything else of late." She took a sip of her wine. "And you? How are the Marines?"

"Normal garrison duties so far. Train, drills, train. Rinse, wash, repeat. Just business as normal except for the odd hiccup here and there. However, I'll have to see this new garden sounds interesting." he said then took a bite of his steak. "Oh, Otto said he was going to drop off a seed packet in your office he picked up from a Breen trader. Could be some interesting bits in there."

"Oh? I haven't seen it yet. I'll keep an eye out for Otto. I look forward to having a look at those seeds." She took a sip of wine. "I'll be happy to give you a tour of the new garden whenever you'd like."

"That would be perfect." Wilhelm said.

Jane smiled. "Being with you is perfect."

With the meal done Wilhelm stood up and moved over to Jane and gave her a kiss "So. What's for dessert my lovely?"

"Well, that depends on you," she said, beginning to clear the table. "We could have dessert now, we could go for a walk in the arboretum, or we could...spend some time together."

"You know a nice little stroll would be a good idea then we can see about dessert." he said while helping to clear the spots.

"That sounds perfect." She put away the last of the dinner and held out her hand. "I'll show you the addition to the arboretum, then I'll show you how much I've missed you."


Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor on Sun Dec 8th, 2019 @ 9:09pm

Was there a twinkle in the eye with that last offer? LOL! A very nice dinner for two.