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Distressed Liner (Beginning)

Posted on Sun Dec 8th, 2019 @ 8:49am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Lieutenant Sonia Kapoor & Lieutenant Jonas Nomad & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes

1,629 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Just outside Typhon, Open Space


The report had come through and was on Mabrade's PADD; he had no choice but to call for a Session with some Key personnel.

The ships at his disposal were limited and he had to get whom he could out to the scene as fast as he could.

The needed Department heads had a call to the Briefing Room. It was flagged 'Emergency Meeting.'

One of the Sabre Patrol ships had been dispatched from the regular patrol to intercept while the second was being readied to transport the team to the destination.

Rii'Na walked in; she was the picture of neatness and PADD in hand. She walked up to the head of the table, putting her tea down in front of a seat to the right of Mabrade.

She came over to her CO. it was certainly becoming quite comfortable to work with him. "Hello Landon. Emergency meeting, never quite has the best ring to it. Do we need to get Lurch to bring in the strong coffee for this one?" Rii'Na asked.

"How fast can you pack for a rescue?" He asked her quietly.

"It's called a 'go' bag, Landon. I can be ready in a half hour. That bad, is it?" Ashe replied, keeping her voice down.

"I am sending out the Nova class to support the operation." He replied. "You will command the operation but Culver has the ship, it is right up his alley, you run the operation on the distressed vessel. That is all you know right now."

"Not much to go by, but we will make it work. Whatever you need, Landon." Rii'Na replied, knowing it meant she would have to leave JC behind.

"We have another guest that I hope got the message?" Mabrade said watching the door.

"I will keep an eye out then." Ashe said as she moved off.

Aria arrived a little while later, bags under her eyes and her hair hanging down instead of tied up in its usual twintails. She looked like she had just got out of bed and thrown on her uniform. She didn't look too amused as she had been enjoying a good dream before being woken up by the call to the Emergency Briefing.

"You okay Aria?" Mabrade asked. "You're always ready for work you once told me?"

Aria helped herself to coffee from the nearest replicator. "I suppose I will be" she yawned. "I've had a rough couple of days..."

"I have heard you been a little banged up with some ruffians that were causing trouble." Mabrade nod. "You need help we will get it to you."

Dr. Kapoor arrived with her medical bag. She wasn't sure what the word emergency meant on Typhon, but she intended to be prepared, whatever the emergency was. Stepping through the door, she saw that others were having coffee, so she moved to a replicator and ordered.

"Spearmint and lemon herbal tea, hot, 1 sugar cube, in a mug." Taking the handle of the warm cup, she moved back to her bag, placed it under the table and sat.

"Good morning, Sir," she said to the base commander, nodding to the two women at the same time.

"Hello Doctor." Mabrade replied. "Do you have a 'Go' Bag ready? I am assembling a team that will depart within the hour, full Disaster Medical Team. I will give details in a short brief, but I can tell you there are casualties and the team is heading over on our Nova class as it was best fitted for a medical mission."

"Medical is always ready. I have my bag with me," Sonia replied. "I thought it might save time. My teams are all on alert, and off-duty personnel are alerted to take over here, as needed."

Ivy Malaxi came through the doors in her skirted uniform pressed to fine detail and a small doll sized figure on her shoulder dressed in an Earth Genie costume with fez at the top of her head and blonde Ponytail. It rode comfortably with the Cengeti woman from Science.

"Hello, Captain Mabrade," she said formally and gave a slight bow. "And how are you doing Rii'Na?" she said with a grin before sighting the doctor. "Oh, sorry, I am Ivy from Science Section, this is Minnie my friend," she introduced.

"I am a technological Genie," Minnie said. "Techno magic is what I do," the foot tall Robot informed.

Sonia had never seen a tech Genie before, but she'd heard about them, and found this meeting interesting. "I'm pleased to meet you both," she replied. "Dr. Kapoor, at your service."

Rii'Na wandered over to the new doctor and Ivy. "Hello Miss Malaxi and it is good to see you Minnie. I am doing well, I have no real complaints, and you?"

"Operating within parameters." Minnie replied.

"I was a bit surprised by my summance actually." Malaxi replied.

"The prophets do nothing without a purpose in mind. If you have been summoned, it is for a good reason. I am sure of that." Ashe gave her a smile and moved to see the Doctor.

"Good to see you, Doctor Kapoor. Knowing medical you are all set. I know those habits well. I hope you are settling in well, I do understand that this may feel a bit fast and all," Ashe said in greeting

"Hmm, perhaps," Sonia said, "but Medical ... no rules, really, about what's proper. It is what it is," she shrugged, "and when, as well. Yes, as I told the captain, I have my medical bag with me, and can meet my team as soon as the briefing is finished, if need be."

"Good to hear. I am sure you will do a wonderful job. I was training in medical before I went on the command path. So I will do my best to keep you in the loop as much as possible."

The doctor inclined her head. "Thank you. Sometimes a little knowledge and a few minutes make the difference between life and death." She knew exactly how true that was, but when her mind started to head down memory lane, she cut it off sharply and thought about battle triage instead.

"I am truly aware of that. One minute can make a difference, no matter what the one in charge says. I keep reminding myself of that, now that I am one of the people in charge. If you need anything, or even just to talk, don't hesitate to come and see me. I like to think that I am approachable." There was a little uneasiness, getting away from the station could mean trouble when she got back.

Culver came through the doors in a well pressed uniform; PADD in hand with the look of a man who had rushed to get here; he had the early morning hints of None o'clock shadow since he had time to dress but shaving would have to wait, again.

"Captain Mabrade, Commander Rii'Na." Culver greet the only people in this room he recognized. "I am here as requested, but a little confused if I might say?"

"Good to have you here, Culver," Mabrade said as he crossed slightly to shake the man's hand. "Frankly this is right up your experience, and I need that for this mission."

"Whatever you need, Sir," he told the station commander.

Culver felt that little, almost forgotten, twinge of something on the horizon. He often got this when things were going south somewhere, and he was going to have a shot at solving it, if Culver was lucky.

"Good to see you, Captain. I know you may not have had much time but I hope you have settled in well."

"I have good quarters ; I just prefer to be with a star ship under me Commander." Culver replied. "You have a nice station ; I just like to be on the move."

Wilhelm heard the request for an emergency meeting while in his office on the Marine Decks. "That's odd...," he said, getting up and heading into the Marine Command Post. "Stand to the Ready Company. I have to head upstairs to a meeting," Wilhelm said to the duty officer on his way to the nearby turbolift.

Entering the meeting room, "Captain Mabrade, sir. What's the emergency?" Wilhelm said taking his seat at the table.

"We had more pirate activity and this time the ship cannot come home on her own. I will explain once we all take seats, but suffice to say we have pirates lingering with the smell of blood from a wounded ship. We might need your boys to help repel boarders in a pinch. But in the brief." He looked around. "Everyone take your seats, and this will be quick."

Billy Jo slipped into the room and took a seat at the back.

"I hope she saved me a seat," Nomad thought to himself as he approached the conference room door. The door whooshed open and Nomad was surprised to see so many had arrived before him. He looked around the room and found the person he was looking for. He made eye contact with Sonia Kapoor and saw that a seat was free right beside her.

With PADD in hand, Jonas made his way over to her. "Hey, friend!" he said as he made himself comfortable. "Any hint or preview on what we got here?" the engineer asked of his friend.

"Only a hint," she said. "It involves pirates and a stranded liner that can't get home. That's all that's been said, so far. Glad you could make it," she teased him, taking a light moment where she could find one.

While the conversations were winding down Rii'Na made her way to her seat and got comfortable, taking a sip of her tea.



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