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Moving In

Posted on Sat Jan 16th, 2010 @ 9:39pm by Captain Anna Johnson

464 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Personal Quarters
Timeline: Current

Anna left main ops with her bag over her shoulder. It was a bit lighter as much of what she had packed was for her office. She made her way to the lift and rode it twelve decks down and to her quarters. She stepped through to find her crates sitting there ready to be unpacked. Right now she was starving. She moved into the bathroom and took a quick shower and changed into some shorts and a tank top. She debated on finding a place to eat but decided she would just use the replicator instead.

She had the computer play some soft rock from twentieth century Earth. She then grabbed a chicken salad sandwich, some chips and a cherry cola she sat and ate planning on unpacking some when she was done.

Anna finished her meal and moved over to the first crate. The first thing she pulled out and placed on a shelf was a small model of a shuttle she had been designing. She had not had the chance to make the full model yet though she hoped that maybe here she would be able to. Once she knew the captain better and felt comfortable asking she would bring it up.

Next she pulled out several salt and pepper shakers shaped like various things. It was technically a collection though a small one as in this century it was getting harder and harder to find things like this. The few she had were what was left of her great grand mother's collection with an addition or two she had found since she inherited it.

Next she pulled out the collection of bound books she had and placed them on the shelf followed by a picture of her siblings. She moved to the next crate and pulled out the clothes that were in there and moved to hang them in the bedroom. These quarters were a bit too big for her and now that she was here things were a bit too quiet. Maybe she would have to get her a pet of some kind to keep her company when she was here.

Anna continued working pulling out her real dishes she used for special occasions and putting them in her kitchen and the quilt she had managed to procure that she laid across the back of the sofa. She continued placing affects around some pictures other figurines trying to make it look more like her own place.

Once everything was unpacked and she recycled the crates Anna looked around before she moved into her room and changed once more this time emerging in jeans instead of shorts she turned to head out of her quarters in search of a place to people watch.

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations


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