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slip them in

Posted on Sun Jan 17th, 2010 @ 1:48am by

402 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Jackson Survey
Location: fighter bay
Timeline: current


MIke had asked around and the last tech had pointer her out so he jogged up close and then called out. "Commander Mialin, a moment of your time? If your not too busy."

Dea turned at the sound of a voice she didn't yet recognize, "How can I be of assistance Commander?" Given her rather hectic arrival at Starbase Typhon, Dea was still sorting things out. "I don't think we have formally met yet," she paused, "Dea Mialin though most people call me Samurai."

"No we have not met before, One of your techs was kind enough to point you out to me. I am Mike Hawkins, with the new Cadets that just arrived. I won't waste your time beating around the bush, I was wondering if you would give them some flight time? Three as weapons officers and two as pilots. They have the required hours to be qualified but just. If you would then I would be indebted to you. If you gave them some holodeck time to begin with that would be a fine way to get to know some of your people?"

"Well I'll do what I can but we'll have to see how things go. Additionally you should know there will be times when things take higher priority than training the Cadets."

"That was all I asked for, just to work them in when the time is available, I think you will find them highly motivated and surprisingly talented. Perhaps you could point me in the direction of one of your Squadron commanders that has a green squadron, rather then deal with this yourself?"

Dea nodded, "I"ll let them know you would like to talk. At the moment the Squadron Commander that would be good for this isn't available."

"I will check back then in a few weeks to see if things are more settled. This is the first pass through the sections and the more information I can get the easier it will be to schedule everything in. I feel responsible to get them as much variety as possible. Thanks for your time, Was good to meet you as well Commander Mialin. From the number of craft you have here, you have a daunting task ahead of you, I wish you well." Mike smiled, it was nothing less then the honest truth, as he had never been anywhere that housed this many fighters.



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