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The Sergeant Major and the Marine Raiders

Posted on Sun Jan 17th, 2010 @ 1:51am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

459 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Shuttle Bay 10, Marine Gym
Timeline: current


[Shuttle Bay 10]

An experienced tech stood in the shuttle bay waving out a nearby shuttle to make way for a new arrival. The arrival in question was a big, boxy Wyvern Hopper class transport. The Wyvern came into the bay, and on signal from the tech, did a 180 degree turn to land stern first. With a hiss the ramp on the end of the transport came down. Then came the sound of boots marching on metal as eight marines came out of the transport. By the exit of the bay, two marine sentries visibly twitched and stepped back at the oncoming marines and their gear. The sentries weren't afraid of the new marines themselves, they were afraid of the marines' black berets with skull and crossed swords insignia and their unit patch that designated they belonged to the 181st Marine Raider Regiment.

(The 181st Raiders were formed during the early days of the Dominion War when violent hit and run tactics was the only way to stay ahead of the Jem'Hadar and Cardassians.)

As the squad of marines exited the bay the two sentries held their salutes until they were all gone. One of the sentries turned to the other and said "We're screwed..." Expressly for the fact that the lead marine of that squad was a full Sergeant Major.

[Marine Gym]

After a good night's sleep in his quarters, Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg decided to get back into the routine of exercise hence a visit to the gym. Wilhelm was working on his fifth set of free weights when he heard the door of the gym open. Usually the gym stayed at a loud noise level from all the machines and people using them but Wilhelm noted it got a LOT quieter than usual. Looking towards the door he realized why. "Colonel von Hackleberg." The Andorian Sergeant Major said while saluting and drawing to attention. "Sergeant Major Shran Van'zee and squad reporting for duty sir."

Wilhelm stood up from the bench he was sitting on and returned the salute and said, "Welcome to Starbase Typhon Sergeant Major. It's a pleasure to serve with you again Shran. I was expecting just you, I didn't think you were bringing friends." Wilhelm looked at the other marines and saw some old friends. "Otto, Johnson, T'Claw... what the hell are you guys still doing with this old scoundrel?" Wilhelm saw the marines shrug with smiles on their faces. "Well ladies and gents, go to the Quartermaster and get your billets and gear squared away and we'll meet up tonight for "orders"." Wilhelm said with a smile...


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon

Sergeant Major Shran Van'zee (NPC)
Regiment First Sergeant
Starbase Typhon / 181st Raider Regiment


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