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Picking a Fuchsia

Posted on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 1:46pm by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 1:47pm

1,449 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Promenade


Rii’Na had taken to walking the promenade. It was helping her think and the Vedeks always seemed happy that her presence was around. Those that owned stores always seemed a little less nervous to see the XO even with the whole pirate siege raging on. Ashe had already been past and checked the cargo bays and docking hatches for what felt like the tenth time that day. She was being slow, deliberate and looking for any signs of tampering. True, Security would be doing that as well, but they and the marines let alone Ops were being run off their feet. She had even popped into the infirmary for a while helping out to patch others up. It had been her ‘first life’ within fleet so it felt natural to go back there for a time.

Walking as though she had not a trouble other than pesky pirates, she really did not know the scope of what mistakes she is making. Some women just are oblivious to their surroundings. It could be a matter of her focus being off; there are some cases where it comes down to focus and in this case she is focusing on the wrong threat. So aware of the dangers to the station leaves her open, she had no idea that he had her in his sights and ready to get closer, almost in range to touch her.

Gal’Nor mingled close to Rii'Na.

Ashe’s shift had technically finished up. With things the way they were she was liking being ‘down and dirty’ rather than nice as safe up in Ops. She came past the Jumja stand, her favourite little treat when she could get it. The stall owner came over and chatted with her a moment before handing over a stick and letting her move on her way. It was not long before a certain face found her from within the crowd. JC made his way over to her, with his nice smile on her face. She gave him a light hug and slipped her left hand into his right.

“Hi there, I hope Ops is not too busy. You would be run off your feet right now.” Ashe said with a smile.

Ashe had such a way of getting close but not quite the Earth Sayings right but such sincerity smiling he nod and gaze into those gateways to her Pagh/soul or whatever one wants to call the center of their being. He went up and took her hand to kiss the knuckle as gentlemen do and gave her the warm smile and fell into step beside her.

"There are quite a few problems that we are tending to I will admit." Conroy told her. "Glad to report the repairs are going well and especially the crews working on the Hangar Doors are making progress."

“Glad to hear it.” She replied, smiling brightly.

Slowly they made their way around to the Bajoran temple. One of the Vedeks waved to Ashe and she waved back as they walked past. Slowly they wandered on towards a nice little café. There was now quite the crowd around them, and Ashe made sure to keep hold of JC’s hand. Last thing she wanted was to be split from him.

Conroy enjoyed the time with Ashe; the holding hands in public was a change he is getting used to. They tried to keep things very professional on the Control Deck but down in the station they were allowed more latitude about their being a couple.

Ashe smiled at JC as they walked along. She had more of her attention on JC right now than all around her in the crowd. She felt like she could actually let her guard down a little when he was around. “Did you want to grab a bite first or just head back and relax a bit?” Ashe asked, happy to be around him.

Another distraction; the annoying one that does not know when to leave a person be; the Operations man who is Fuchsia’s present Bed warmer; even by her own choice. It is good that this man is teaching her the proper manner of pleasing, warm the bed and keep the man warm. She would be in the under garments that Gal'Nor left her; the correct one that were her color and size. He also had been leading her, a possessive man to say the least; far beneath her.

Gal'Nor came in close and with a lunge stepped between the two, copping an elbow to the Conroy man to send him out of the picture . "Know your place, not beside my Fuchsia!" He warned as the man reeled into the crowd.

“Prophets No! What are you doing here?! I am a Starfleet Officer now; you can’t just walk up and grab me.” Ashe stared Gal’Nor down, looking over to JC and back to the hulking Cardassian.

Conroy was shaking off the sneak attack and getting his bearings; starting to move to her aid and the aggressor. He realized instantly who had done it as the Cardie was in motion towards Ashe.

“I will NEVER be yours again. I was NEVER YOURS in the first place.” She made sure to raise her voice and catch attention. She hinted to JC to call for Security as she went to pull her phaser to keep Gal’Nor off of her.

With practiced ease Gal'Nor stepped forward snatching 'Fuchsia' by the wrist and twisting it to a bad angle that caused extreme pain, the Phaser came into his hand easily. Turning it towards the man who made his last play for the wrong woman. Gal'Nor dialled up the setting quickly; Conroy reaching for his comm badge apparently, hand halfway to the thing...

"I do hate squealers..." The Phaser fired slamming across Conroy as he tried to turn away at the last second, but not fast enough as the hit tossed Conroy back.

Ashe squirmed, her arms held out towards JC. Gal’Nor swiped the Comm Badge clear of her chest while taking a grip stopped her from getting at her badge to call for help and he now had her own phaser being held between her and JC's hurled back body. She saw the shot from her own phaser and JC go down. There was a blood curdling scream out of her.

“JC!! No! JC….JAMES!!!” She burst into tears and was trying desperately to be able to get away from the rotten Cardassian. “JC!! Why?? Why, he had done nothing to you!”

"Damn, not enough touches to get decent power out of it." Gal'Nor said as he dialled up the Kill setting. "Now that should likely finish the job." He said, chuckling to himself.

Rii'Na was trying to scratch at him, do anything to get away from him. “Let me GO!! The station commander will hunt you down for this!” Ashe thrashed as best as she could, wanting ever so desperately to get to JC. “Let me go you creep!”

"Now you should be a little more cooperative." extending his arm he pointed it in the direction of the fallen JC. "Or I put him down like an animal in the street?" An evil look.

The look of horror in that statement made Gal'Nor smile all the more brightly.

"By your own hand, your phaser will take his life since you did not have fingerprint trigger setting, you might as well have shot him yourself." Dragging her along with the scattering crowd. "Now you choose if I leave no trace of him or leave him a chance to survive..." He had a clear shot. "Now he has a slim chance, come or he is ... GONE."

Two Security Officers were edging their way through the crowd, Gal'Nor disintegrated them both in succession. "HE is next...” The final warning.

“JC!!” She screamed, loud as she could as Ashe was being dragged off. The look in her eyes was sheer terror at the statement let alone the vaporising of the security officers. She cringed, those lives were on her now, a stain on her record and Pagh. “No!!!” her words came too late. Her fighting was more like a whimper than a growl. She did not want to go with him, but the life of her love was now in the balance, and she could not lose him too. *Please let Medical find him quickly, let him live. I am not sure of my own fate right now* Ashe started sobbing as she was being dragged away.


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

Ensign James (J.C.) Conroy
Flight control Officer


Cardassian ' Former Master' to Rii'Na


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