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Picking a Fuchsia (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 1:47pm by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 1:47pm

682 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Promenade


“JC!!” She screamed, loud as she could as Ashe was being dragged off. The look in her eyes was sheer terror at the statement let alone the vaporising of the security officers. She cringed, those lives were on her now, a stain on her record and Pagh. “No!!!” her words came too late. Her fighting was more like a whimper than a growl. She did not want to go with him, but the life of her love was now in the balance, and she could not lose him too. *Please let Medical find him quickly, let him live. I am not sure of my own fate right now* Ashe started sobbing as she was being dragged away.


The chaos was maddening, people were surrounding the Ops Officer and the culprit had Rii'Na too close to him for a shot; it was her scream above the crowd that really caught his attention. Moving closer he took out a small chemical ball, throwing it hard to break on the; thankfully bare legs of the Bajoran Officer. The nanites would only be active for three days, but if a few hours they would collate and seem like a bruise on her leg from a kick or some minor accident that in the scuffle the XO might not even notices as upset as she was.

Bernie is not one to be a surveillance man, mostly in the shuttle relaying information and giving electronic support, this is not what he expected on his lunch while adding some . The Nanite tracking was experimental and with all the station the tracker would be short range at best. He had been trying to help with the Pirate threat with his team and being the equipment guy had volunteered to help beef up some observation equipment.

Being pushed and roughed up by the panicked people he dropped the tracker and someone stepped on it, he quickly retrieved it and saw the outer housing was in tact with exception the access plate fell open and some scrambled electronics. An easy fix: in time, and Bernie had lost the trail of Rii'Na.

Ashe looked around, trying to pay attention to what way she was leaving the promenade and yet all she really saw was a crowd and how far away JC was. She had been kicking and screaming for what felt like forever and feeling like she was getting nowhere. Part of the way along she felt a heel fall off. They rounded a corner and with another kick the other went flying. *great, no shoes but maybe that will help Security out*

Time for the clincher, a hypo with enough to make her groggy and easier to guide rather than drag kicking and screaming along the way. Gal'Nor had this planned, it was kind of thing the pirates; who also believe in taking women, or wenches as the classic jargon calls it would do as a practice so they would not task him for retrieving his Fuchsia from the wrong man.

Ashe felt the hypo and not long after was feeling quite groggy, almost drunk. The fight had left her, that damned Cardassian always had a plan and a counter plan. She felt that her arm was being held and she was just walking along , almost as though she was sleep walking and did not like it one bit.

"Now we go to our little Love Nest and get reacquainted. " Gal'Nor stated. "Pray to your Prophets all you like, no one is going to find you where we are going, they will not think of looking in plain sight."

Ashe had already been praying as hard as she could, just not out loud. She learnt long ago that would get a slap across the face from someone like Gal’Nor. Just ‘Prophets, heed my plea’ had gotten her a small beating when she was first captured. She walked along like the sleepwalker, some quiet tears falling down her face.


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

Ensign James (J.C.) Conroy
Flight control Officer


Cardassian ' Former Master' to Rii'Na


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