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Is it the end of the Nightmare yet?

Posted on Fri Feb 17th, 2023 @ 8:11am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Fri Feb 17th, 2023 @ 8:11am

1,362 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: unknown room/ Station infirmary
Timeline: Post "And the Nightmare just got worse"


Ashe could not tell just how long she had been held now. She had seen light and dark cycles in that room and any noise was making her jump.

Movement, loud foot falls outside the door startled Rii'Na as there were also voices in the main living area of the suite. Quickly the door to her space opened flooding the light from the Main Living area as a figure stepped quickly through the open doorway and halted, his frame filling the Doorway. A rapid tone echoing from the man's hand.

"Commander Rii'Na..." The voice inquired. "Lights..."

The room lights blinded her for a second before the uniform of a Federation Marine stood in the room, weapon in one hand and some small tracker in the other.

"Are you injured Commander?" The gruff voice asked.

Ashe could barely see and was feeling dizzy to boot. She hadn’t eaten in Prophets knew how long and had gone without sleep as well. She could barely make out the clothes of this figure in front of her. Her hear was bobbling about and her blinking had become slower. Ashe went to sit up and turn around. She at least managed to turn, whoever it was in the doorway would see she was wrapped up in nothing but a towel and had bundled herself in the quilt. Ashe felt dizzy, there was a high-pitched tone in her ears…she was about to black out. “J – C” she barely managed to say before collapsing forwards, out like a light.

"Commander." The lead Marine moved to her side, slinging his weapon half way to her.

The sight the Sargent saw would be quite unexpected; the commander's hair was loose; she had to have been in the tub or shower recently as there is only a towel wrapped around her, the quilt was a second layer that almost fell open as she fell forward.

"Corporal, check that dresser for something and the closet for a robe." He ordered.

Bernie was already crossing to discover an empty closet, the civilian that had developed the Tracker and chemical 'scent' that is used to trace a person's location. Though experimental he is quite a success, he could not really take many kudos as the victim passed out.

"Nothing in the closet, but at least we found her well enough." He saw little more than furnishings in the room with the Commander.

"Other than all the electronic interference it worked like a charm." Sargent Monroe replied. "What is the call; site to site?"

"No, the transporters are busy enough with the repair efforts." Pulling a First Aid tricorder he determined she was malnourished but not much more serious than that.

=^= Monroe to Sick Bay, medical personnel needed my coordinates. =^= Monroe reported on the comm channel. "=^= We have located Commander Rii'Na, could we have a female nurse report with the Doctor please since the Commander has passed out. Also a robe to be replicated, do not ask just have personnel bring a robe.=^=

=^=Oh my…=^= the voice responded. =^=We are kind of being run flat, I have one nurse about to finish shift. She will be with you shortly. What is her condition? Do I need a team when she comes in? =^=

One of the nurses had overheard the call and already replicated a robe. With a wave she was on the way out.

=^= Monroe, relay your location to nurse Mackenzie. She is already out the door. Medical out =^=

Soon Monroe’s badge beeped. =^= Mackenzie to Monroe. I have one robe, where am I headed? =^=

=^= Holosuite 40775, rented to a Cardassian, higher end of the Residence level 14. =^= Monroe said. "Looks like minor injuries no danger of trauma by looks of it.=^=

=^=understood at most 3 mins out. Hold tight. Mackenzie out =^=

It was not long before the nurse came in to find the Marines and not the best of sights. “Oh dear. Do we know what happened to her?”

"I came in; she turned with a fear in her eye and passed out." Monroe explained. "She said two letters while passing out but that is all she said. I found her in a towel and that quilt; hiding in corner so I can say she was scared of the Perp."

“Well, that’s going to make life more difficult. We’ll have to run the fine medical scans. Looks already like she has been slapped around, her cheek is discoloured.”

"No blood here or in the bathroom so I doubt she has been radically abused, being in a towel I wonder if she might need inspection by a ... female?" He said reluctantly. "Her state of dress says what her abductor had in mind, just how much did she endure?"

“Not sure, but you Marines have saved her, for sure. Mabrade is going to lose it. Wonder if we will have him paying us a visit.”

"I reported her found and being evaluated. Monroe said. With the current state of the station I think he will wait until medical allow her to be seen?" He continued. "I will leave you to it and keep the place secured." He started out and hesitated. "She mentioned two letters before passing out. He thought for a second. "J and Cee" He ended then left closing the door.

“More mysteries than answers, I think. Let’s get you to where we can make you more comfortable, Commander.” She said quietly and motioned to a Marine to help her get Rii’Na on her feet. It wasn’t long before they were on a very slow walk and got the commander back to medical and settled.

“My word! Just in a towel and the bed quilt you say….. There are some sealed notes in her file. I wonder if….”
There was a very groggy groan from the biobed behind them.
“Commander!” They rushed over. “Don’t try sitting up… you passed out.”

Ashe started to strike out. There were bright lights and voices. It was like when she had been found by Starfleet all over again. “Where…. Where is he…. He’s going to…..he’ll kill J…C if I’m not… in that……” She was fighting hard and starting to fade out again.

“Rii’Na! Commander, please!” They tried to restrain her from hurting herself yet Ashe kept trying to throw them off. She started screaming, almost incoherently. “Sedate her.” We have to get her to calm down and be able to sort this out. We may just have to sedate her for now.” It was a struggle but soon Ashe was asleep again.

“Give it five hours, then try again. If it fails a second time, sedate her again and call Mabrade. Maybe he can reach her in there somewhere. He is her CO after all.” The lead nurse said. “just monitor her for now.”

Five hours later they tried a second time and Ashe was like a cat not wanting to be held. She thrashed this way and that, trying to get away. She kept calling for this JC and about this other ‘he’ that would be furious that she was not back where the Marines had found her. They had no idea if she had been harmed, raped or what, seeing as they could just not get anywhere near her without Ashe lashing out and screaming the place down. Sadly they used a smaller dose and knocked her back out again.

“We can’t keep doing this. It’s not fair on the staff or her. Call Mabrade. I know this call would usually come from the CMO but we don’t have one right now.”

"You Rang." The deep voice of Lurch said in his deep baritone voice.

“Commander Rii’Na is awake, but we have an issue. Nobody can go near her. She keeps lashing out at staff and we cannot honestly keep on sedating her. We could use some help to get her to calm down. We don’t know what happened to her but reacting like this is clearly outside of the norm here.”

Commander Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

NPC - Mabrade

NPC - Mabrade (Courtesy of Heckleberg)


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