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Hello Again (Backpost)

Posted on Sat Feb 11th, 2023 @ 12:02pm by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo

1,179 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: to be determined
Timeline: few days after the clean up post

Serena had decided she was tired of the blue dye and washed it all out leaving her natural red locks to their glory. The mass was held back in a tight french braid as she walked around the station which seemed to be getting back on track after the previous week's explosive fun. Since there was nothing for her to officially be doing she was just getting to know the place....

Rii'Na had just come from her communion with the Prophets. Life had been so busy in the past week, between the reports, patching the Station back together and meeting the people she had barely been able to get her prayer time in. At least the Vedeks were not 'on her back' about it. They of all people knew her life would be one of the busiest, serving others did not keep any set 'office hours'.

As she rounded a corner, with her usual Jumja stick in hand she saw a somewhat familiar sight. Ashe had seen the walk before and recognised the uniform to go with it, but believed that the last time she had seen this person there was a difference in the hair department.

"Miss Giacomo? Not feeling so blue anymore?" Ashe asked, smiling behind the red, sticky and very sweet Bajoran treat.

Serena turned and looked up at the first officer with her signiture cheeky grin, "Yes Commander I got up this morning feeling particularly red." Seeing the jumja stick it seemed to be a part of the commander's regular habit, she grinned broader, "Have you ever tried peppermint sticks?" she asked mildly curious.

"Not yet." came the reply, taking a nice nibble of the jellied sweet and sucking on it. "I have heard it is an interesting taste."

"Yes a very sweet peppery flavor mixed with mint that not everyone enjoys. Personally I adore all types of mint." Serena said with a playful grin. She adored chocolate more though but that was a subject for friends and while she liked the first officer she was not yet certain she was a friend.

"Sounds like it could be nice and an acquired taste for some. A bit like Bajoran Hasperat. Because the brine that the tuna is in can be so spicy not everyone likes it. That's why some Bajorans follow it with something sweet, to help take the extra bite away."

"Makes sense, is there anything I can be of help with currently? My boss has everything pretty close to her chest at the moment and hasn't as of yet given me anything special to be looking into." she added after a moment of thought, the clean up was mostly done and far as she knew the folks that had been causing the trouble were in the brig or in other places to be properly tended to.

"I've just been doing the rounds myself. Just got out of prayers and checking in on the Vedeks. The temple did not seem to take too much damage but there are a lot of people that have been rattled by the whole affair. Because they have a Bajoran 'representative' in the command chain now, they see it as an opportunity to make sure their voices are heard." Ashe replied. "One thing about my position, you tend to have everyone wanting to make sure that they are heard and life is as it should be."

"I can only imagine the amount of paper work on your desk, I would be way too tempted to play hookie and find something to do than sitting at a desk with stacks of PaDDs. "Serena said lightly though honestly. "Can I help somehow, maybe check to see if what folks are complaining about is really there or

"Miss Giacomo, that is a very kind offer, still I would not want to step on the toes of your section chief. It might be better to run it by them first. Your boss is nice, but Security is Security, they do tend to keep things close, usually for a reason. I started out in Medical and then went into Command, I'm a very different breed."

"Aren't we all really! Different breeds' that is? I mean there's us in Starfleet, there's marines and there's the rest of the universe that are shop keepers, tailors barbers, mom's, teachers and so on." she said with a cheeky grin.

"Truth in every word, Serena. I am glad to have met you. You have an outlook that helps remind me of the better tings in life. Sometimes we all need to be reminded of that from time to time."

"Anytiime, I will be happy to talk with you," Serena said lightly, delighted she'd gotten to know the first officer a bit more. Though she had learned a bit recently in her feline form but that wasn't what was being talked about right then...

"Some people get so scared by the title and the red jacket that they just seem to stay away. It doesn't always make life easy, I'll tell you that for sure. It's nice that you would put that offer out there. I will take it up for sure. And I found out the station has a resident cat, hadn't seen her for a while. I hope she is fine, but the station is a rather big place for one cat. Tai did seem to be a rather free spirit, I'm sure our paths will cross again. Maybe I need to leave a saucer of milk out?"

"I tend to not pay attention to rank myself, I prefer getting to know people then giving respect due on that. As for leaving milk out for the cat, you best be careful once you start feeding them they tend to expect it to continue. Most cats love milk or cream and tuna." she said with a genuine smile.

"Hmmmm, it might have to be a more plain flavoured tuna. I doubt most cats would like the spicy taste of the tuna and brine from Hasperat. The milk on the other hand, that would be easy enough." Rii'Na replied.

Serena looked intrigued, "You know I don't think I have ever had Hasperat myself, what would you suggest for a first try?"

"The promenade has a few traders, one in particular I tend to frequent. Does Hasperat in both a mild and 'Bajoran spicy' style. Might be a good place for you to start. They also do Jumja sticks and Kava juice. I can point the way if you like. I find a good Spicy Hasperat with Kava juice on the side is quite tasty. I think a nice cold milk would work as well." Rii'Na said with a soft smile. "It's a small slice of home for those who can't get there as often as they would like. The Shinga root with Sweet Sauce is a must."

Rii'Na walked on with Serena, starting to show her the sights that Ashe had only just found for herself.


Lt.j.g Serena Giacomo
Infiltration specialist

Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


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