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Damage survey

Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2010 @ 8:07pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson

485 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Control center
Timeline: Current


Several hours after the dust clouds had settled from the Giant cities, Fannin needed information about the damage left behind..

"Commander Johnson I'll need new scans of the planet in these areas"

"I will have them for you within the hour captain." Anna responded then started the scans.

[One Hour Later}

Once the results were in Anna copied them to a PADD and took the results to the captain's office and rang the chime to deliver the bad news.

"Please enter." Fannin was again on the view screen with a few Engineers on there new assignments in the outer ring.....

Anna stepped in PADD in hand. "The results aren't good captain. The island that landed in the water took out around one third of the ocean life. From what I can tell a couple of species are now on the endangered list. The one that hit land did major damage to one of the more fertile areas that could be used for farming. Now with the amount of dust in the air caused by the crash lack of sunlight getting through will destroy the chances of anything growing in this area. If we don't send down terraforming equipment to help clear up the atmosphere and to clean up the water the only part of the planet that will have a chance of survival are the other two continents and even they could be affected by all of this." Anna said, "And that is not taking into account the damage caused by the tidal waves so that affects the wild life on that continent as well. The plants they live off of will die because of the lack of sun as well meaning again possible extinction of those that are only on that continent."

Fannin wasn't surprised. "When would it be feasible to begin terraforming these areas?"

"In my opinion the sooner the better. The longer we wait the higher the chances of loosing more wildlife and of this spreading." Anna said. "I can have the parts replicated and assembled by the end of this shift then its just a matter of getting everything set up. We would need one for cleaning the atmosphere and one for cleaning the water."

"Very good, I'll contact the Marine Commander to request some assistance . Please begin the process and we'll get this started as soon as possible."

"I will make sure the parts get replicated myself." Anna said, "Is there anything else you need for now sir?" Anna asked.

"No Commander carry on, your efforts shall be supported, if you have any problems just let me know. I'll update Fleet as to your progress."

Anna nodded, "Very well sir I will get it taken care of." She said and turned to make sure the equipment got assembled as soon as possible.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations
USB Typhon


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