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Posted on Fri Jan 22nd, 2010 @ 11:26pm by Captain Anna Johnson

332 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Operations office
Timeline: current

Mike made his way to the operations office once again, He saw Anna at her desk working diligently and made his way to her door. He knocked politiely and when she looked up "Hello again. Look I know your busy so I will make thie as quick as possible. The Cadets have volunteered for your mission to restore Tiberius V, if you still need people. Three better then average Pilots and two transporter techs for the shuttles, or any where you might want us. I am volunteering as well, even us old dogs like to feel useful time to time."

"If you are willing to come along to help monitor them that will help as I will have my hands full coordinating everything and keeping reports sent to command as well as getting my hands dirty a bit myself. It would be good experience for them." Anna said

"They will prove very handy I am sure. Tell me what plans have you made for an escort, I understand Pirate activity is high in that sector. If you don't need them as pilots on the way there, I could ask the Captain for permission to borrow a couple for the trip. They could be used for aerial recon as well once there. Their manueverability might prove an asset if the air turbulence is high."

"I have a marine battalion going with me for security. I will be flying one of the shuttles myself and I'm sure there will be some pilots among the marines but the can for sure help with the clean up and if they want to take watch duty shifts they can do that as well." Anna stated.

"Yes Ma'am will be there on time and ready to go." Mike stated quietly and stepped back once before turning to leave.

"We will see you at 0800 in the morning then." Anna said as he left.

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief Of Operations/Second Officer

Lieutenant commander Mike Hawkins
Academy Instructor TDY


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