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Office Decorating

Posted on Sat Jan 23rd, 2010 @ 11:20pm by Commander Jack Tolren

289 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: XO's Office, Deck 12
Timeline: Current

Would that corner fit a fish tank? Jack wondered. He was standing in his office, pondering where furniture should go. The standard desk was now gone, as were the chairs, the whole place was fairly bare, with the exception of the computer terminal, now resting on the floor.

Maybe the desk should face the window...

The door chime interrupted his thoughts. He turned around and tapped the panel beside it, opening the door to a young Lieutenant who seemed to jump. He obviously wasn't expecting Jack to be immediately behind the door.

"Ah, Lieutenant Faulkner," Jack said, with a smile. "Welcome to what was, and is going to be, my office."

The brown-haired young man stepped inside as Jack moved to one side. He took a look around and nodded, "minimalist approach?"

"You could say that," Jack retorted, chuckling along a little. "I have a floor plan and some replicator designs on this PADD."

He passed the PADD to the engineer. "Do you think you could sort them out for me?"

Faulkner took the plans and glanced through them, nodding as he took in the details. "Shouldn't be a problem sir, would you like holographic fish, we can't make real ones."

"No, no, I just want the tank, I'll get my own fish."

"Suit yourself, if they die, it's not my fault, I only do holograms."

Faulkner turned and walked back out of the office, adding a comment as he walked away, "it'll be done by this afternoon, Commander."

Strange guy, Jack thought, before returning to his ponderings. Maybe that wasn't the right place for the fish tank afterall.

=/\= End of Transmission =/\=

Cmdr. Jack Tolren
Executive Officer

Lt. Alex Faulkner [NPC]
Engineering Officer


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