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Marine Meets Half-Orion

Posted on Sat Jan 23rd, 2010 @ 11:44pm by Commander Jack Tolren & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

517 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Marine HQ
Timeline: Current

Jack made his way straight down to the marine decks after speaking with Commander Johnson. The survey they had completed would be of use to the marines to help set up planetside and, as he had yet to meet their CO, it seemed a good idea to kill two birds with one stone, as the saying went.

Wilhelm was busy getting his 3rd Battalion ready for Tiberius V, not to mention his armory problems. Armory Sergeant Johnson just found some more ruined and highly volatile munitions, Wilhelm thought some new security measures might have to be taken. Willi was also double checking on the supplies and transports his troops were going to use, plus parts of a pre-fab fire base and equipment for the Artificers. Just then his office door chimed, "Come in...."

The door opened and Jack entered, looked across to the Marine CO and offered a smile. "Good morning, Jack Tolren, station Executive Officer, I just thought I'd say hello."

Wilhelm looks up from his paperwork. "Well hello. I'm Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg. Pleasure to meet you. How was your survey mission?"

"Interesting," Jack replied. "One of the cadets was nearly eaten by something resembling a shark. Other than that, we got the data we needed and I believe the problematic colonists are planning on moving in soon."

"I was wondering if you could help me out a little bit? I was looking for a good location to sink our new Fire Base. It'll be 400 meters x 400 meters, preferably, I would like to put it on the top of some hill by the sea in a nice open area, without taking out the chainsaw." Wilhelm said. "I definately like to keep it out of any valleys or ravines."

"Ah, we picked up an area that was ideal for landing shuttle craft. It's a plateau on top of a cliff, it should have a decent view of the south, not sure about the north."

"That would definately be an ideal spot, depends about the north, also if that plateau is kilometer square at least." Wilhelm thought about it for a second. "Actually if we had to build the plateau out at all that would be fine to. Have to send that location to the scouts..." Wilhelm decided to change the conversation. "So did you happen to meet any of the other new officers?"

"I've met Commander Johnson, and I intend to see our new chief of security next," Jack replied. "We seem to receive a pile of new crew everyday here."

"Ohh, yes including me. Watch out for that Counselor Vrel, she has smile and a laugh that would melt Andorian ice. Well if you'll please excuse me I have to finish the last minute details of getting the Third moved out." Wilhelm said with a smile.

"Yes, of course, if you need anything from the station, just give me a shout," Jack offered, before heading out of the office to leave the Colonel to his duties.

=/\= End of transmission =/\=

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon

Commander Jack Tolren
Executive Officer


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