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tis a lovely evening

Posted on Wed Jan 27th, 2010 @ 7:28pm by

935 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Tiberius V
Timeline: current


Mike met the Cadets in their quarters, they were tired but in high spirits. Mike walked mandy down to the female showers as the guys went to the male side. Mike read a training PADD manual as waited for mandy to take care of her hygene. It wasn't that she was a girl, it was that he had ordered them to stay in pairs wherever they went. Even as independent as Mandy was she didn't chafe too much at having an escort to and from the shower.

Mike's biggest problem was Patrick Wayne who thought an escort cramped his style. They all gathered at the chow line and went back to their quarters to eat. Talon and Grant went to bed shortly after eating as they went on shift at the water purification station at 2300 for the night shift. Mandy and Lee sat outside and watched the stars, seemed strange that so much devestation could happen so quickly. Patrick tried to sneak out and Mike followed. "Not so fast Romeo, and don't get any ideas about ditching the old man. Even if you did manage to outrun me, I know where you live."

Patrick slowed down and grimaced, "C'mon Commander give a guy some slack how am I suppose to look good with a babysitter hangin around?" He kept on walking but he was unhappy, "Man you really know how to cramp a dude's style."

Mike smiled, "well if you were going to look up those two marine 'Babes' I would advise against that, either one of them looked to be the type that would eat a youngster like you for breakfast." At the expression on Patrick's face he was guilty as charged and kind of startled that the 'old man' had noticed. "Look Patrick I am old but I am not dead, and I have been around.' Watching the expression on Patrick's face he chuckled,"Oh I never had the smooth moves like you, and I never found anyone to settle down with. Which I believe would be good for you. Seeing as that is unlikely to happen anytime soon, try to remember there is a time and place for everything."

Patrick wanted to blow the Commander off, but he did kinda make sense. He had been daydreanin about a certain Marine hottie down at the beach for a moonlight swim, now after listening to the iceman visions of a visit by a couple of those sandshark creatures danced in his head as well. "Ok Professor, you made your point, but I am too worked up to sleep."

Mike smiled "Follow me he walked over to the where the shutles sat and marked line in the sand then walked thirty paces and marked another line. Then he faced the Patrick. "Wind sprints in the sand should take care of that youthful energy. I race you the first three, everytime I win you run three on your own." Mike had a huge grin on his face, he ran most everyday and worked out the same as he had most of his life. He would pay for this in the morning, that was the age thing. He could keep up for most things but he felt the muscles for days after.

Patrick groaned as realized what Mike was doing. ~this guy really hates me!~ "Ok commander but what is my reward for beating you?" Patrick thought he had a lop hole and made his play to gain something.

Mike smiled, "You don't have to run extra sprints, unless of course you would rather then I can have you run three between each of our races?" Mike replied innocently. "Get ready, Set, Go. Mike went as he said 'go' and got a step on Patrick. Mike as it turned out didn't need the step as he left Patrick well behind as Patrick struggled with the sand. Mike's martial arts training had taught him to move with light feet and he all but glided over the sand, He turned and was kind of surprised to see Patrick only two-thirds of the way to the finish.

Mike waited for Patrick to run the path three more times. Then raced him again. With the sand packed down a bit Patrick only lost by two steps. Three more runs and Mike raced him one last time. Patrick was too tired to run all that fast but pride made him try. Mike didn't rub it in and beat him by only two steps when he could have embarrassed Patrick. More then a few spectators had shown up to watch the runners. Patrick ran his last three sprints and waved his arms in the air on the last. "Ok You proved your point Sir, but I need another shower now!"

Mike smiled "So do I lets see if they left the hot water running. They returned to their prefab quarters and then went down to the showers. Mandy and Lee saw them enter and leave wordlessly. Both of the cadets laughed as they got out of earshot, speculating on what had happened to each other. A half hour later the two men returned, Mike went to bed and Patrick joined the other two cadets.

As he sat down he whispered, "You know the old man is pretty fast, if he challeneges you to a race just quit while your ahead and ask for the punishment." Mandy and Lee listened and giggled as Patrick explained the recent events by the shuttles. Mike listened for a while and them closed off the sound and went to sleep.


Mike Hawkins and the Cadets


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