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Making some Rounds

Posted on Wed Jan 27th, 2010 @ 7:51pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

291 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Observation Deck 141
Timeline: Current


Edward was reminded earlier by Yeoman James of his self imposed rounds. He had a few free minutes to spare....

The open area of the the Typhons main observation deck was a breathtaking experience for the first time. A wonderful wide open space pleasantly decorated with trees and seating areas. The view was stunning. Fannin took up a spot on the rail and watched as work bee's and other craft floated past his view. This was a very popular spot. Many crew and visitors were about taking in the panorama. He was able to observe several classes from the school on Typhon whisk through the area. Ed made a mental note to use this area for a staff meeting as one was coming up soon. He wandered along and found a small kiosk and grabbed a cup of coffee to nurse on his travels. A young Ensign from Security stopped and introduced herself.

"Good day Captain, I see you are taking in a few sites today." Fannin always enjoyed taking to the crew and wasn't surprised at the friendly demeanor of the Ensign.

"Yes, this truly is a nice place to visit, I like to get off the bridge as much as time allows." The conversation continued as they walked towards the lift section. She had explained she visited there often while on breaks. Ed asked her if she had met her Security chief. She had and was very impressed with her new supervisor. Regretfully he returned to the ready room, but was recharged by his short trek. Yeoman James was waiting there with a new stack of reports about the landing on Tiberius Five that demanded his review. He sat at his table and dived into his work...



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