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Down Time

Posted on Wed Jan 27th, 2010 @ 5:00pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

885 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Tiberius V
Timeline: Current

Anna was tired from a long day. She had taken a shower and was now dressed in a tank top and shorts. She placed a chair just out side her quarters and was watching as the stars began to come out one by one.

Erwin had made a point of getting his rounds done as soon as he could with his outposts. His Marines were happy, and there had been no major issues. He was quite filthy and very hungry. Hitting the command post he grabbed a dehydrated meal manufactured years before he was born. He was walking towards the communications center and saw Anna sitting in front of her prefab quarters.

"I see the Artificers have you set up very well Commander."

"Yes they have thank you." Anna said. "So what are you up to?" She asked.

"Headed for a quick shower and checking my messages at the com center, how bout you?"

"Just trying to enjoy some time on the planet and studying the stars and trying to relax a bit after a long day." Anna said. "Though I do need to grab something to eat in a bit."

"I did hear about a fresh pot of Marine Chili down at the command shack if you want to tag along.

"I don't want to impose," Anna said.

Reynolds smiled, "Don't be silly, even the CO has to eat, we're on a new planet and under field conditions. Believe me we share everything in the field."

"You are the only person I really know though. Believe it or not off duty I tend to be a bit more shy than I appear when I'm in command mode." Anna said.

"Well you don't know me from Adam and I think your doing just fine lady. Beside your the boss. Most of these people don't even know you, may not even recognize you with those shorts on."

"I've at least met you even if it was on duty." Anna replied. "And do I really look that different?" She asked.

Reynolds nodded, "Yes ma'am you sure do"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Anna asked.

"That's a very good thing, c'mon lets get some thing to eat"

Anna stood, "Okay I guess I will join the others then." She said then placed her chair back inside and cloed the door.

The command module could be seen behind a sturdy wall of sandbags. Smells of spicy chili were about as everyone within a hundred yards was filling up a mess tin. Erwin stood in line with Anna waiting his turn for a bowl. Several Marine orderlies had seen him and brought him a few messages and requests he had to approve. "This stuff smells pretty good" he took a bowl and handed it to Anna, "Just can't be afraid of good ole Marine chili. Just don't ask whats in it."

Anna chuckled, "As long as I can put some cheese in it and get some crackers with it I'm good." She answered as she grabbed a ration bottle of water as well. She looked around trying to familiarize herself more with those that were working under her at the moment though it would take her a while to remember a lot of the names.

Erwin smiled as he passed Anna some fried bread. "Sorry no crackers, but this is better." He sat down at a large table among a growing crowd of interested diners....

"This works." Anna said noticing everyone looking in her direction she leaned over and whispered, "I don't have a sign on my back or something do I?" She asked.

"I was looking back there, didn't notice a sign at all"

"Then why are they all staring at me?" Anna whispered once more.

Erwin just realized it. She just didn't get it. She was very attractive and she was the Boss. She really had no clue.

"Commander, you don't spend much time in front of a mirror do you?"

Anna looked at him a moment, "Every morning when I'm getting ready." She answered. "Let's just say I had some self esteem issues growing up and though I have a bit more confidence some of that still shines through I guess." She said with a shrug then took a bite of her chili.

"I wouldn't worry about them. They just aren't used to seeing you in around in your casual clothes."

"I can wear my uniform if its a problem." Anna said.

"Really, It's not a problem, After dinner I have to head out and set up a few night recon patrols. Maybe we can meet back here tomorrow for dinner at the new mess hall."

"I think I would like that." Anna replied with a hint of a smile on her face.

After he was done he had to return to his unit. "Well I'll keep in touch commander and will update you in the morning. It will be a long day tomorrow for both of us. Erwin rose and tossed his Bowl into a disposal unit.

"Yes it will so I think an early night may be in order." Anna said. "Some reading perhaps then sleep for me anyway."

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer
Starbase Typhon

Major Erwin Reynolds (NPC)
Commander 3rd Battalion, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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