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Night Training Operations

Posted on Fri Jan 29th, 2010 @ 6:52pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

414 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Tiberius V, Outer Security Perimiter
Timeline: Current


Major Reynolds had reached the outer security area just as the sun was setting. He was following the path of his A Company, He was making a few mental notes along the way. The company had left little trace that they had moved in force through the area...

Erwin was walking through the brush silently with his Four man staff. After Forty-Five minutes they were challenged by a sentry as they approached the A Company patrol base. After passing through the checkpoint and talking with a few Marines he was directed to A companies commander Captain Gunther Fitch, who was working on a small view screen...

Reynolds walked directly up to him. "Captain Fitch, excellent progress today."

Fitch stood and replied, "Yes Sir we gained good ground, this is our current position and security layout." Fitch handed the view screen to Reynolds. " Erwin checked the screen as another Marine handed him a cup of coffee. after a long minute he handed the screen to his Assistant to upload into the Majors Padd.

"Sharply done Gunther. your support grid is very busy and emergency landing zones are well covered with support fire. teams are spread and security very good. I see you and your company have worked hard today."

Gunther was grinning. "Thank you sir."

The Major sat down and looked around, he didn't see or here anyone. Considering the fact he was surrounded by 128 fully armed marines he didn't see one of them except for Captain Fitch and his first sergeant. He dropped his infrared scanner down from his helmet and still detected nothing... "Captain, how many Marines do you have out here?"

"127, Sir. my full company"

"Well you wouldn't know it from the scans. Outstanding. Whats your plans for tomorrow?"

Fitch dragged out the small screen again and both officers conferred. "As ordered A company will move along this River Valley to the hills to the North and secure a observation point to base our area operations from. Should be a long walk Sir but we haven't had any issues or injuries yet."

Reynolds stood. "Stay with that plan, I'll be moving my team acrossed your front tonight and conducting a leaders recon to train my team, I'll meet you tomorrow at your next checkpoint." With that Reynolds shook the captains hand and turned to conduct a quick com and equipment check with his team. Shortly after that they moved out into the night.


Major Erwin Reynolds
Battalion Commander, 3/21
USB Typhon


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