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The Outer Ring

Posted on Fri Jan 29th, 2010 @ 7:42pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

360 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Loading Dock 17, Outer section 4
Timeline: Current


Fannin was amazed at the engineering that took place to build stations as large as Typhon, he and Yeoman James had set out to conduct a series of checks in Typhons outer ring. Section Four was a external docking station and he was briefed by a Chief Petty officer about it's functions.

"The outer ring has many roles besides stabilizing and defending the station. It's Five decks serve as storage, contained labs and observation areas for the crew to enjoy. Here in section Four we have seven cargo bays and Two large vessel external docking ports. Deck one also houses three defense batteries." the Petty officer highlighted an area on the view Screen. Here you can see the housing units for civilian colonists have been completed and stocked. This area can hold over Four hundred very comfortably until they move planetside."

Fannin waited through the briefing and looked around asking several questions about security and school access for the colonists should the area be needed. Yeoman James maintained her presence inspecting the observation areas checking on health compliences..

"What about an emergency evacuation of all those people?"

The Petty officer popped another grafic up, as you see under evac this section will actually detach and free float as it's own giant life pod. If the the section hull loses integrity smaller life pods on the outer ring will be used to get the crew out. if all those attempts fail shuttles will be dispatched from the main station to pick up crew at the docking areas which will be protected by containment fields."

Fannin was very impressed and thought a few fleet engineers had really did their homework. He left the briefing and traveled through the section looking at endless compartments and large storage areas un til it was time to head back to the main station to get a bite to eat.

The tube ride back was interesting and fast. He was startled at how fast the horizontal sleds could move, much faster than a lift.... James wasn't to pleased at what it did to her hair and was fussing about it while Fannin smiled.


Captain Fannin


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