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Another Morning

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2010 @ 1:20am by

282 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Dea's Quarters

Dea awoke to the sound of her alarm. Things still seemed a bit unfamiliar to her but that would fade with time. For now she would just take things one step at time. After climbing out of bed she headed for the shower. This quiet time allowed her a chance to get her thoughts in order for the day. "Computer play Mialin music selection 2." Not long after that the strains of a familiar tune began to filter through her quarters.

With that part of her morning routine out of the way Dea headed to the bathroom. This was the start of another new day. In time these quarters would feel more like home, it all went with adjusting to a new assignment. One she finished in the bathroom, Dea turned her attention dressing and completing her typical morning routine.

The peace and quiet for a short time would do her some good. At the moment she found herself relying on various techniques to remain calm. After a quick review of her schedule Dea knew the rest of her day would be very busy. Given she was new to the station there was still a lot of things that had to be accomplished. Some of those were likely to go away because they were one time things. Anything after that would eventually find a permanent place in her daily routine.

She ordered breakfast then sat down to enjoy it. After that Dea would head for her office for a bit before conducting the morning briefing with her pilots. That was just the first part of her day. There were numerous meetings and other items that required Lieutenant Commander Mialin's attention along the way.


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