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Two weeks in

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2010 @ 1:33am by Captain Anna Johnson

681 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Transport from Earth to Tyhpon

Jana had now been on the transport for two weeks and had another two weeks to go. She had done everything she wanted to do. She had watched one of the movies they were showing three times already and had changed the color of her hair for the third time now. For now it was a dark blue, almost black but in the proper lighting you could tell it was really blue it also had some dark green highlights in it.

Jana sat in her room with Elenore in her lap reading from her book of Edgar Allen Poe poetry. The monitor in her room chimed indicating an incoming call. Jana moved over and hit the accept button and her brother Jason's face appeared on the other side. The look on his face told her why he had called before he even said anything. "Jana," He said, "Mom didn't make it." He swallowed hard, "They tried everything they could but they think she just didn't have the will any more."

"Do you need me to come back there and help with things?" Jana asked.

"No mom made it clear she wanted you to stay with Anna. She will take care of you. You may not remember so much but she protected all of us from dad for as long as she could when we were younger. She took a lot more of the punches than she had to trying to make sure we didn't have to take any." He said.

"I know though it didn't do much good once she left did it? Ultimately it took his death to set all of us free and then mom never got over it." Jana said.

"Nothing we can do to change that now. This is your chance for a new start. Give Anna a chance okay? She loves all of us and has always made sure we had everything we needed that a replicator couldn't provide." Jason said.

Jana sighed as her eyes teared a bit. "Are you going to call her or do you want me to?" She asked.

"I'll talk to her. Jackson and I are suppose to start classes in a couple of weeks. We will make the arrangements needed to put her to rest then the house will most likely be sold. Is there anything you want us to save for you." He asked.

Jana shook her head, "I packed everything I wanted to keep and brought it with me." She answered. "So I guess Anna is officially my legal guardian now. Maybe now at least I will have someone that will at least act like they love me."

"Mom and dad loved us in their own twisted way I think. At least we had each other, Anna had to deal with it alone for a lot of her life." Jason answered.

Jana nodded and reached up to wipe the tear that threatened to fall. "I'll talk to you and Jackson again soon. Let me know how it goes at school I expect both of you to get through at the top of the class." she said with a smile.

"We will keep in touch. I promise and we have to do well, after all we want to make Anna proud after all. She was more of a parent to us than they ever were." Jason said.

"I know and I can get away from my problems and maybe not turn into some kind of delinquent." Jana added half joking. "I love you big brother."

"I love you too and be sure to give Anna a hug for us when you see her." He replied.

"I will." Jana said then reached forward and ended the transmission.

Instead of grabbing the book she had been reading she grabbed her journal and began to write.

~Darkness, all consuming, all around me.
Nothingness is what I am feeling within. . .~

She continued with the poem as tears fell down her face showing that she was feeling something even if she tried to convince herself she wasn't.

Jana Johnson (NPC)
Sister of Anna Johnson


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