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Getting News and Heading Back

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2010 @ 6:05pm by Captain Anna Johnson

489 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Shuttle on Tiberius V

When Anna saw that the call that had been forwarded was from Earth she closed the hatch on the shuttle and accepted the call. She was a bit surprised to see her brother Jason on the other side. Though she could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong. "Hey Anna. I wanted to let you know that mom didn't make it. Jana will need to stay with you on a permanent basis." Jason said.

"Is everything okay there is there anything you and Jackson need?" Anna asked.

Jason shook his head, "We are taking care of everything along with the lawyer you had hired for us. I've already spoken to Jana. She needs your guidance Anna. She has gotten into a lot of stuff she didn't need to get into. Getting her away from here is probably a good thing."

Anna nodded, "I just hope I can do some good for her. I get the feeling she hates me." She said

Jason smiled and shook her head, "She acts like everyone hates her but she really looks up to you and respects you. Though she may never let you know that." He answered.

"Okay I'll do what I can to help her. By the way I'm temporarily acting XO of the Starbase while the current one is getting some training."

"Congratulations. Jackson and I are just getting started and you get to spend some time in the big chair of a Starbase." He said with a grin.

"I'll do what I have to do to survive all of us are use to that." Anna replied. "And thanks for caring."

"Of course we know how to do that and we have always cared about you because you did what you could to protect us. Making sure we got into the best schools, keeping dad's focus away from us as much as you could." Jason said, "It did not go unnoticed I assure you."

Anna cleared her throat, "Thanks. Tell Jackson I love him and I will contact Jana when I get back to the base. For now though I need to go I have a four hour flight ahead of me. You two make me proud when you start classes in a couple of weeks."

"You can count on it sis." Jason said, "Talk to you soon." He added then ended the call.

Anna sat for a moment deep in thought her eyes teared a bit and she shed a couple of them before wiping her face and getting clearance to take off from the planet. Once she cleared the planet and set a course for the starbase she placed the ship on auto-pilot and put in a call to Jana. She wanted to be sure she was okay since she was alone in a strange place with this bit of news.

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Operations Officer/Acting XO

Jason Johnson, (NPC)
Brother of Anna


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