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Getting Things Situated

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2010 @ 1:51pm by Captain Anna Johnson

453 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Tiberius V


Anna had her bag packed. Things were under control now she just needed to find out if the cadets wanted to stay here or go back to the base with her since she needed to take up duties as executive officer for now. She could make trips here every few days to check in but for now she was needed more on the base. She placed her bag on the shuttle then moved over to speak with Commander Hawkins.

Mike saw Anna approach and walked over to meet her. "I heard through the grapevine your the new XO, Congratulations. I kind of expected you would need to get back to Starbase Typhoon. Things here are well underway, and I can help out anywhere, I have done this before." Mike knew it was tough to leave a job partially done, but needs of the job were what they were.

"I didn't hear what happened to Commander Tolren, nothing bad I hope. The cadets really enjoyed working with him." Mike thought about that a second and smiled, "They have enjoyed working for you as well. I really didn't mean anything by that comment. I seem to put my foot in my mouth around you quite often." Mike chuckled lightly.

"Me being XO is only temporary at least for now anyway. I just wanted to know if the cadets wanted to stay here to help more or head back to the base before I leave. I will check in daily and come back here in a few days to make sure things are still in order. Sooner if needed." Anna said.

"They are fine here, three of them will be going out soon with that marine Patrol, would not want them to miss that?" Mike chuckled "we will be fine here Commander Johnson, Nothing Major Reynolds or myself can't handle."

"Very well then I will let you get back to work and I will be in touch soon." Anna said.

"Have a safe trip Commander." Mike smiled as turned back to the work station. He was glad it was her and not him with all that responsibility. He was a good worker and innovative when it was necessary. He had been a better then average pilot, and held almost every position except Science and Medical over his career. He had always managed to leave the big jobs for those inclined toward them though. He was happy and he figured the Achiever types were as well.

Anna nodded then turned to enter the shuttle and began checking on the preflight list when she was notified of an incoming transmission.


Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations and Acting XO

Lieutenant Commander Mike Hawkins
Cadet Instructor


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