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Diplomatic Redecorations ...

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2010 @ 12:16pm by

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Ambassador Lenar's office

Amalia looked around the rather drab Starfleet-standard decor of the Ambassador's office, and her connected reception area.

"This is the best they could do?" Amalia asked.

"You didn't give them a decorating pattern, Amalia." Faron noted.

"This is true. I should have told them precisely how I wanted it laid out. At least the over-all furniture arrangement is fitting, but this is supposed to be a relaxing atmosphere. All I see are boring Starfleet Silver, on boring gray." Amalia said.

Faron nodded. "Get your Federation Flag, and your relaxing Greens and Blues out."

"And plants. We need plants to make the air feel less circulated." Amalia noted.

Faron looked up, interested. "You want to plant plants..."

Amalia looked at him. "What are you thinking?"

Faron looked around. It was a large area, with a high ceiling. "Cover the deck in dirt. Use stone slabs for pathways. Plant the plants directly onto the ground." Faron said.

Amalia looked around. "Not a bad idea. It'll seem more relaxing that way."

Faron smiled. "And maybe we'll get some visitors to make the place less..."

"Empty." Amalia said.

Faron nodded.

"A forest. Yes. A dark, kinda misty forest. We can have soft bird songs from some of the audio speakers. And..." Amalia started talking as she walked off.

Faron laughed. This project would keep Amalia busy... likely for a good week. He'd have to figure out what to cook, since Amalia would be *far* too busy.

He sat down at his Desk, and scrolled through the Diplomatic flags to his console. Which were exactly two. "Please welcome the Federation Ambassador, Faron Lenar, to Starbase Typhon." and "The Federation Embassy on Deck 59 is now open. Please make all diplomatic requests through Ambassador Faron Lenar, or his Aid, Amalia Lenar."

He typed in search, and then Earth Cuisine and Recipes. He had some time to kill. He might as well spend it productively.

Ambassador Faron Lenar
Federation Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


Amalia Lenar
Starbase Typhon


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