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A quick chat regarding Decor...

Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2010 @ 12:42am by Commodore Edward Fannin

674 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Typhons main Bridge
Timeline: Current


Faron stopped, about 27 recipes into his search, when it occurred to him that he had not asked permission for any of his wife's re-decorative escapades.

"Computer, locate Captain Fannin." He instructed.

~The captain of the USB Typhon is on the Bridge~

He stepped out of his office, and into the turbo-lift, just past the reception desk.

"Bridge." He instructed.

The lift shot along, and dropped him off at the Starbase Bridge, and Faron surveyed the area, looking for the Captain.

Fannin was talking with an operations watch officer when he caught site of the Ambassador... "Faron, how are you and welcome to the bridge."

"Very well indeed, Captain. Are you horridly busy? I do not mind returning later, if this is an inconvenient time. I could even leave it as a written memo for you, if you would prefer." Faron said with a smile.

"No my duties here are strictly supervisory, what can I help you with?"

"My wife... she is quite the interior decorator... She wants to turn a vast area of Deck 59 into an Arboretum, of sorts, to allow a more relaxed atmosphere. It won't effect the Conference Rooms, themselves, but it will help make the vast area designated for the Embassy's use less... Empty and boring, and of course, such an area would be free for the crew to use for relaxation, and recreational purposes." Faron summarized.

"I see no problem with improvements as long as it doesn't effect structural integrity."

"It shouldn't. It's mostly just plants, dirt, and stone slabs. There will be some fairly realistic-appearing photographs on the roof, which give the impression of a tall canopy of trees, but most of the changes are cosmetic. The only real alteration to the Deck's normal patterns will be strictly lighting." Faron said with a nod.

"My only concern it water, You can't do any radiant pools or streams, Water damage on the deck below could take us out. I love her ideas and can't wait to see the finished product. If she needs any large replication done she has my permission."

"Water repellent paint will be used on the deck floors, walls, and ceiling, I assure you. And sensitive areas, such as power transfer relays, or the like will be given an extra bit of protection from both moisture, and unwanted plant growth. When I said there would be no damage to the structure of the base, Captain, I was serious. My wife does nothing half-cocked, or half-thought out, and I will even run everything past your Chief Engineer, if you need further verification on the issue." Faron said with a nod

"Excellent, with the new look your Wife's presentation shall be the talk of the Fleet diplomatic corps."

"Considering the caliber of work that Amalia puts into every project, I certainly hope so, Captain." Faron said, with a smile.

"I'm hoping that she would be interested in decorating at a few other locations on the starbase as well."

"I'm fairly certain that, provided the idea was worthy of her time, effort, and regard, she would be glad to assist in such things, Captain, but she is also my Secretary, so I'm afraid you won't have a person who's time is devoted exclusively to interior decorating." Faron said with a little smirk.

"Of course, I hope her project goes well."

"Likewise." Faron agreed. "You are, of course, welcome, to drop by anytime, to see how it is progressing."

"Thank you Faron."

"Thank you, sir. It would have been most difficult to dissuade Amalia from the project, once she had gotten it in her mind." Faron said with a slight bow.

"Any time I can be of help Faron, you can count on me."

"And I, for you, Captain." Faron said with a nod. "If you will pardon me, I have to get dinner ready."

Fannin watched as the Ambassador departed the bridge. He was interested in seeing how the project would turn out.



Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Doctor Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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