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Ice Planet Expedition: Marine Training

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2010 @ 9:59am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Basil Hart

1,153 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Tiberius X
Timeline: current


Harmos watched as the two teams of Marines went thought their survival kits, making sure they had everything. Archer and Hunter were both looking out for their teams, and so was Damon. He listened a little more closely to what they were teaching their troops.

The Marines from the Orion were all huddled around Damon. In this kind of environment he disposed of the parade formation in favour of a more personal discussion with his men and women in his command.

“Marines, welcome to one of the harshest environments known in existence. Make no mistake, the cold cares nothing for you and it will do whatever it can to snuff you out. As inhospitable as the environment is, however, it is the decisions YOU make that mean the difference between life and death. You CAN survive here if you are informed about your surroundings and smart about your actions.†Damon stared at each of them in order to impress the import of his words. “In a situation like this, it helps to remember the acronym SURVIVAL. Anyone here remember what it stands for from basic?†Damon looked around until he found Sergeant Riley, who he knew recently taught a class back on earth. “Sergeant, care to help us out?â€

Allen nodded. “Yes Sir.†He waited until all of the Marines turned to face him. “S – Size up. We need to size up our situation, our surroundings, our physical condition and finally, our equipment. U – Undue haste makes waste. Plan our moves as the situation calls for it, especially if an enemy is nearby. R –Remember where you are. Take out our maps and orient ourselves. Mark not only where we are, but where we are in relation to the enemy, closest friendly occupied areas, areas for good concealment and finally, water sources. V – Vanquish fear and panic. They will be present; don’t kid yourself, that’s what this training is for, to build up self-confidence. I – Improvise and improve. A hammer doesn’t always have to be used as a hammer, find different uses for your tools and also make stock of improvised tools around us like rocks. V – Value living. You will be surprised on what a Marine can go through if you refuse to give up. We are fighters, and that fight will carry us though whatever is thrown at us. A – Act like the natives. If there are indigenous people in the region, observe what they eat, where they sleep, and water sources. Animals can work too, but it’s not always an absolute guide on what is edible. L – Live by your wits. Extreme weather training helps you to decide what to do if you are ever put in this kind of situation.†Allen nodded to Damon.

“Thank you Sergeant. One of the first things we need to secure in this kind of situation is adequate shelter. I’ve noticed that you all set up tents with nice warm’s a shame you won’t be getting to use them tonight.†He smiled as a few of the Marines groaned in mock distress while others chuckled. “Go get your gear. Report back here in ten.†The words dismissed the Marines.

Kara listened carefully. Her specialty was mountain and jungle survival. But, like all Marines, she needed to be able to survive in all climates and conditions. She bounced a little to keep herself warmed up and because she was eager to get started.

Harmos looked over at Lana. He moved over to her position and leaned in to whisper, "Have our Marines form up with the Orion's Marines. When Raine's done with his segment, take the next part of the course and do the Hypothermia drills." He clapped her on the shoulder. "Any questions?"

"None, Sir!" Lana moved away to her small contingent of Marines. She gave her orders and with no questions from the Marines they quickly left to carry them out. Smiling she gathered up her gear she strapped her sniper rifle to her back, rechecked her assault weapon then briskly walked to meet with the Orion's Marines.

Damon stood patiently out in the cold wind for the Marines to return with their gear. He mentally went through a number of exercises the group could to together as far as cold survival went. Since he had a rare opportunity to train with Marines from outside his command he thought of perhaps expanding the training routine to be more role specific. For that, he would need the go ahead from the Endeavor's Marine CO. Only a couple of minutes had ticked off his deadline, so he decided now was as good a time as any to make the request.

"Sir." He started as he closed the distance. "I wonder if I can ask you something about the training exercises?"

Harmos smiled affably at Damon. "You may fire when ready, Gridley."

Damon nodded with a light chuckle. "Well, I wasn't expecting to see so many Marines here today. But since we do have quite a number, I was wondering if it might be a good idea to have some of the specialists work on their trades within this environment. Sniper and communication teams have some unique advantages. Might be a good idea to train them separately."

"I think that's a good idea, Lieutenant. As a matter of fact, the snipers could even teach the regular troops some of their tricks as far as cover and concealment in an open ice plain like this. After all, Winter Survival isn't all about staying warm. If you want to go over command and control factors, I wouldn't mind teaching a brief class on that." Harmos was impressed by the young officer's willingness to work with others, and his ability to assess what was needed.

Kara perked up at that. She loved shooting. As a scout, she needed to be an expert shot, but a refresher course in sniper shooting would be fun.

"Thank you, Colonel. Once the Marines all fall in I can begin to separate them into groups to expedite the process." With a nod, Damon dismissed himself to the task at hand. He was beginning to really like this Colonel. Despite the obvious gap in rank, he was being treated with respect and given fair say, something Damon hadn't necessarily found in common with other Officers of rank.

Harmos watched him go. "Was I ever that gung-ho?" he asked himself. All in all, it looked like the training would be good for the Marines, and would go off without a hitch.


USS Endeavor:

Lieutenant Colonel Harmos Aurelius
Marine CO

Commander Zach Scott
Chief of Staff

1st Lieutenant Lana Hunter
Platoon Commander

USS Orion:

1st Lieutenant Damon Raine
Marine CO

Petty Officer 3rd Class Yvette Jaynes (NPC)

Sergeant Kara Melo (NPC)
Marine Scout

Staff Sergeant Allen Riley (NPC)
Marine Section Leader


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