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Meeting under Moonlight

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2010 @ 10:04pm by Commander Lucas Jackson

942 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Arboretum, Level 6

Amalia hit one of the base's comm panels. "Computer, list the Chief Botanist on-board."

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Cody Esposito is listed as the Chief Botanist aboard Starbase Typhon." The Computer replied.

"Where is he?" She asked the Computer.

The feminine voice answered, "Cody Esposito is located in the Arboretum, Level 6."

She stepped into the Turbo-lift. "Level 6, Arboretum." She instructed.

The lift rocketed in the direction required, and a short while later, she arrived in a hallway that led her to the gardens.

She stepped into the Arboretum and looked around, fairly impressed, pondering precisely where the man in question was.

Lieutenant Esposito was on his knees, tending to a bed of Antarian moon blossoms. The room was dimly lit, giving the impression of a moon-lit night. The flowers, native to the Delta Quadrant, only bloom on a full moon. Due to the capabilities of altering the atmospheric and solar/lunar conditions of the Arboretum, the flowers could stay in bloom always. Cody was placing some fertilizer strategically around the plants. They were priceless, so great care was needed.

"Lieutenant Esposito?" She asked.

Looking up from the soil, Cody was surprised to see a petite, young woman calling his name. "Yes?"

"I have a large empty space, and a large order for various small trees, vines, plants, dirt, and stone slabs. And the list is just a start." She said, handing him a PADD with a rough outline of the required supplies.

Cody took the PADD from the women, reviewing it as he went. "Hmm...I don't know how much I can help you with. Many of the plants that we grow here that are bigger than flowers have extensive root systems. That said, the heigh of the deck you plan on redecorating would not be sufficient. I could suggest two options: Deck 58 is a customizable deck, so we could create a two-story area, or we would just have to go with smaller foliage."

"As long as it gives the appearance, naturally, of a forest, that's fine. We can use dead wood to make fake tree trunks." Amalia noted. "And I would not want to use two decks for this purpose."

The botanist pondered this for a moment. "Alright...I think I can get you what you need. We just can't have anything too big. It may take a couple of days to receive the materials, though."

Amalia nodded. "That's fine. I've got to find someone to reinforce the power systems in the effected areas, so that moisture and plant growth won't threaten them."

"For the Arboretum, we use a special system of microfiber pads and mechanisms. The pads soak up excess water, which get distributed through various machines to other parts of the ship," the lieutenant offered, trying to help as best he could.

"That's excellent. We'll pad the floor with it, but the power relays still need protection from the vines, and associated moisture with such plant growth." Amalia said with a smile.

"Hmm," Cody said, trying to get his brain in full concentration. "For vines, I would just enclose the space in a small forcefield, specifically directed to stop plant-growth. As for the moisture...You could probably modify the duct system in that sector to keep it down. I'd talk more to our engineers about that, though." He smiled back at the woman, hoping he was helping.

"That was my next stop, actually. And I want the vines to grow. Just not into the ducts, or power relays."

"Well, they'll still grow...Just not past the defined areas," Cody pointed out reassuringly.

"You are not getting my point. All I want is to seal off access to other decks, and sensitive areas, like the power relays. The plants are to grow naturally, on their' own, without restrictive fields." Amalia said.

"Well, the fields can be placed like a shell around the deck. They won't stop the plants from growing...They just stop them from penetrating certain areas."

"Which will cost the station a constant flow of energy. Just because my methods are old fashioned, does not mean I do not have a purpose for using them," Amalia countered.

Cody gave a light laugh. "Well, ma'am, you've got me there. I guess I don't have much more advice that what I've given you. However, if you want any help in planting or caring for your foliage, just let me know." He paused for a moment, then continued, "As for your order, I see that you have specific types of plants specified, but you don't need something exact? So...I have a proposition: How would you like to exclusively house plants from Tiberius V? I think it'd be a nice tourist advantage."

"That isn't a bad idea. Mail me a list of plants that you think would be fitting, and I will rate them on how pretty they are, and get back to you." Amalia said with a nod.

"Alright. I will get it to you ASAP. By the way, I know its kind of late for introductions, but I don't think I ever got your name..."

"Amalia Lenar, Wife, overlord, and personal assistant of the UFP Ambassador, Doctor Faron Lenar, currently stationed on this base." Amalia said.

"Well, Mrs. Lenar, if that is all, I must get back to the labs. It was nice meeting you," Cody stated, starting to gather his things and step towards the door.

Amalia nodded. "And you, Lieutenant Esposito."


Lieutenant (JG) Cody Esposito
Chief Botanist
USB Typhon

Amalia Lenar
Personal Assistant, Overlord, and Wife of the UFP Ambassador
USB Typhon


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