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Bioneural mess part 2

Posted on Sun Feb 7th, 2010 @ 8:47pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon

437 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: U.S.S. Alabama Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Austin and O'Boyle went to the sickbay where they saw the medical staff already getting everything together. Being careful not to touch the infected gel, Austin helped Flynn onto a biobed and looked around for a doctor. He saw a Bajoran woman tending a human man and waited patiently for his turn.

Nerila gave Nunez a sedative to help him rest and then moved to check on the group coming in. She knew right away that there was a major problem as she saw one of them covered in bio-neural gel and burns.

"STOP! Stay right there." she shouted. Then she turned to a couple of her staff and ordered them to get an isolation unit and bio suits.

A few minutes later, two nurses in bio-isolation suits took the injured engineer and led them to the isolation chamber.

Flynn followed them into the isolation chamber to be cleaned up as Austin turned to the doctor. "The gel got on the floor and a bit of the conduits in the port shield array," he drawled. "How do you want me to clean it up?" Austin was used to it, but he didn't like the feeling of towering over the much-shorter woman.

"Well, Stretch, I would suggest that you, or your staff, wear protective gear. If there is any chance the gel is infected, it would be very dangerous."

Austin grimaced. "Oh, it was infected alright. I'll get it cleaned up soon as possible. I don't want anyone to get sick because of Flynn. I'll just get some cleaner and get started. Unless you want me to go through the decontamination?"

"To do so now would be a waste, since you will just have to do it again afterward. Beam to the area, clean it, and then beam out again. Block off the area until you can get it completely decontaminated." She answered quickly and then thought better of it, "Or at least, that's what I would do. You're the engineer."

Beam to the area? Well, made sense. Austin didn't say anything about the sarcasm, or at all, but just raised a brow, got the cleaner and some rags and tapped his commbadge. "Lieutenant Greenwood to transporter room one. One to beam directly to port shield control array."

He dematerialized, leaving the doctor alone.

Nerila shrugged as the engineer faded away. "I guess it takes all kinds." she muttered to herself. Then she turned and went back to her office. She badly needed another cup of coffee.

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Lieutenant Kennerett Nerila
Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Asgard


Lieutenant Austin Greenwood
Engineering Officer
Starbase Typhon


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