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Typhon Commander Arrives

Posted on Sat Dec 12th, 2009 @ 10:25am by Commodore Edward Fannin

173 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Shuttle Bay, Deck 73
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin said goodbye to the Captain of the USS Shiloh, the Wallace class vessel that had brought him to his first Star Base command. The shuttle had made a direct approach and was on the deck several minutes Later. Fannin was greeted at the ramp by a small crowd of Contractors eager to ssee him sign off the ship as operational so they could take their complaining civilian workers home. Fannin had no intention of doing that anytime soon...

After exchanging some pleasantries he ascended the the walkway to the ships corridors past a Marine honor Guard, Ed thought it was a bit much but smiled and did his best to show those that had gathered to greet him that he wasn't to stuffy. He had sent out an itinerary several days before, first on that list was a few hours in his cabin to open his sealed orders from fleet. A few hours of rest before the changeover from the contractors would begin.


Captain Edward Fannin
CO, USB Typhon


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