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Air Wing Safety Officer Reporting In

Posted on Sat Dec 12th, 2009 @ 8:27pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

473 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room, Deck 12
Timeline: Current


Commander Miller straightened out her uniform as she was guided into the ready room by the Command yeoman. Captain Fannin wasn't what she was expecting as far as appearance, perhaps she was used to the younger version on recent board selections.

"Lieutenant Commander Miller reporting for duty Sir."

Fannin looked up at the commander, "Welcome to Typhon Miller." He stood and moved from behind his desk to shake the Commanders hand. "How was your journey to us, good I hope."

Renne took the captains hand and felt very at ease with this Man. His voice was deep and calm but friendly. She was sure it could have have a bite too.

"Yes Sir, it was a flight indeed, I had a good team though. I got to know a few during the trip and as they got to know me I'm sure the words out about my arrival here."

The Yeoman Came in with a tray of Mint scented Tea. Renne was amazed as he handed her a cup. How did they figure out that was her favorite warm beverage... She took the cup from the Yeoman as Fannin waved her over to a very large couch. She watched as he took a cup from the Yeoman and nodded and smiled. "A good Yeoman knows far more about us than we care to know."

"I'm glad their wasn't any problems getting here, As for your position here on the Typhon, I'm sure your interested to explore."

"Yes Sir, I believe I'll be your AWSO starting off , or at least that's what I was told."

"That's correct, I requested you here on Typhon for your skills in working with young aggressive Fighter Pilots. Your jacket displays an excellent training record for safety in these matters." He took a drink of his Tea and sat in the chair accrossed from Renne.

"You will report to myself or the XO in all safety matters evolving flight operations, Take no Guff from anyone and keep them flying hard, fast and safe as possible. That's it. It's not an easy task considering the air wing size but I have complete confidence in you."

"Thank you Sir. I'll get it done."

Edward stood up from the chair. "I'll let you get settled in. if you have any problems I expect you to handle them and let me know the results. I trust your judgment."

Renne finished her Tea and shook the Captains hand again before leaving the ready room. She felt good and knew the interview had went well with the CO. he was dark, but spoke volumes with his eyes. he was strong willed and directive. She wasn't sure if she liked the man at all.... But that didn't matter.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lt. Cmdr. Renne Miller
Wing safety Officer
USB Typhon


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