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Arriving Typhon

Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2010 @ 6:32am by

276 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Internal docking Port 191
Timeline: Current


John had enjoyed the trip to Typhon but it had taken a toll on his health. He just didn't handled long trips well anymore. His assistant melody was by his side constantly. They were inseparable and had been for years. he could walk around the larger ship but this was a Danube class and he failed to get his excersise as needed. He had made his wishes well known to Captain Fannin that he would rather not be met on his arrival. In fact he really didn't need anyone to know he and his staff were even there on the base.

During the trip he had worked out several communication schemes for the Fleet and several new encryption codes. Over the years he had developed several codes for Starfleet. None of them could ever be broken. he stepped off the shuttle and was a bit wobbly. Melody had a good hold on the Admirals arm to steady him. he was really like a child in that respect, he saw everything for the first time every time he looked apon it. he was a brilliant child in a Seventy year old body living in a world he didn't recognize.

After a few turns they reached the new fleet com center and passed through to his quarters. The few staff there had arrived several days before and replicated the center and the Admirals quarters to look identical to the one he had left on Earth. John was pleased to be home and decided to work on his new "puzzles", or codes as they were known to the rest of the Fleet...


VA John Vail
USB Typhon


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