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Following Orders

Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2010 @ 9:19am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commodore Edward Fannin

757 words; about a 4 minute read


Anna had searched for Dhindara's location and now moved quickly toward it. Anna had promised the Captain she would speak to Dhindara today but she was in a hurry. The Danube shuttle was on stand-by, the transport had been contacted and she would be able to meet up with it in a couple of days or so at top sustained warp. The shuttle could go faster than the transport itself which would take another two weeks to arrive.

Anna arrived at Dhindara's location and pressed the chime though she really wanted to be underway.

"Come in", Dhindara said, sensing the apprehension from Anna. She stood from her desk and walked to the door. "What's wrong?" she asked, coming straight to the point.

"Mom died." Anna said, "Captain Fannin wanted me to see you today and has given me permission to send a shuttle to meet the transport that my sister is on so she doesn't have to be alone too long. I've made arrangements to be on that shuttle but had to keep my word that I would talk to you first." Anna said fighting back more tears. She didn't have time for tears right now, her sister needed her.

Dhindara ran her schedule in her head. There wasn't much she needed to do right now, apart from routine evaluations. And there were other junior officers who could do some of those. "How long are you going to be out with the runabout?"

"Four or five days, six at the most." Anna answered.

"Would you like me to come with you?" Dhindara offered. "I'd have to get permission from the Captain, but I don't have any other pressing concerns right now."

"That might be good. That way we could talk on the way and save some time." Anna said as she started to pace a bit.

Dhindara nodded. "That's what I'm sensing in you, urgency. Can't say it's not justified." She tapped her combadge. "Vrel to Fannin", she said, "I'd like to accompany Commander Johnson on her shuttle run to meet her sister. I'm sure her sister could use a good counselor as well. And, well, with only me available, that's the best she can get right now."

Fannin was taking down the rest of his meal and swallowed in a hurry as he responded. "Permission granted, Commander Vrel. Thank you."

"Thank you, Captain. Vrel out", she said. Turning back to Anna she said, "How about you get the runabout started and I'll meet you there in ten minutes? I have to quickly pack a bag."

"I'll meet you there." Anna said, then turned to leave and start preflight on the shuttle.

Dhindara closed shop, then headed back to her quarters. At least she knew the way by now. Once that was done, with the huge bag slung over her shoulder, she walked to the nearest turbolift. "Computer, Anna Johnson is preparing a shuttle. I want to go to that shuttle hangar." The computer paused, then seemed to grasp the concept of the order and the turbolift started moving. A short while later Dhindara approached the runabout... hmm, the runabouts. In this hangar alone, there were a dozen of them. She looked into each of them with her mind until she found Anna. It was a runabout labelled U.S.S. Celduin... probably some Terran river, Dhindara mused. Stepping aboard she looked at Anna. "I hope you're a good pilot."

"I once flew a shuttle through an asteroid field and out again with minimal damage." Anna said. "Do you have everything you need?" She asked.

Dhindara nodded. "I do. I'll store it in the cabin, then we can talk on the way, how's that?"

"Sounds good." Anna said then sent a message to Lieutenant Carter and received permission to disembark. She closed the shuttle door, lifted off and made her way out of the starbase. Once they were clear of the station Anna set an intercept course with the transport. Once out of direct airspace Anna set it to maximum cruising warp and turned on the autopilot before moving over and getting some coffee and a box of tissue from the replicator. She sat back and waited for Dhindara to reappear.

Dhindara walked back into the cockpit. She was carrying two mugs of hot chocolate. She took a seat in the chair opposite Anna and handed her one of the mugs. She didn't say anything. Anna needed to do the talking.


Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Acting XO

Lieutenant Commander Dhindra Vrel
Chief Counsellor


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