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Gearing up the Recon Team

Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2010 @ 6:12am by Commodore Edward Fannin

1,125 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mountain Recon
Location: Supply area camp Stonebreaker
Timeline: Current


Sergeant Major Knight had the equipment prepared for the Cadets when they arrived. He had a few minutes to check out the weapons they would be issued and hoped they had some experience with them. Dawn was an hour away...

Brad Talon walked in the front with a crisp step and an eagerness bout him, Lee Quan followed and he seemed interested in an abstract way. Patrick Wayne brought up the rear and seemed completely disinterested. They all wore Marine issue fatigues replicated the night before. they all had a standard kit with water purifier,canteens, ration packs, extra uniforms and a few pairs of socks. They also each had a machete and a combat knife. First aid packet, and pretty much everything a marine carried into the field.

Brad came up and stood before Sergeant Major Knight. "Sergeant-Major we were told to pick up our weapons from you? I am cadet Brad Talon" Coming up beside him, "Lee Quan reporting for the recon Sergeant Major." He spoke crisply and stood straight. Patrick kind of sauntered on the other side of Brad, "Cadet Patrick Wayne always ready sergeant -Major!" His voice was clear and strong but his posture was horrible.

"Hello Gentlemen, My name is Rick Knight. I'm the Sergeant Major of the Third Battalion, Twenty First Marines. I work directly for Major Reynolds and I would like to welcome you to my nightmare. I say that because this is my fourth and last ry at getting my patrol certification before I'm ineligible due to age. It seems each time I try it gets a bit more demanding on these old bones."

All three cadets looked at each other a bit confused but Brad spoke for them all, "I guess we are as ready as we will ever be Sergeant-Major Knight. What do you want us to do now?"

"If you look down here you will see a Marine issue Tr-119b, this is an automatic shotgun is has a folding stock and gets fairly heavy. You have slots on your load bearing equipment for ten mags. There are 30 rounds in each mag. over here are TR-110 automatic pistols and Four mags of 15 rounds. Strap those on guys and get adjusted. If your not familiar with these weapons let me know as I didn't have time to check your weapons quals. I be giving you some training on the course of fire anyway."

Brad looked like a kid at Christmas as he skillfully checked both his assigned weapons and loaded up the gear. Lee Quan looked at the stuff and shrugged, "Sorry Sergeant-Major but that stuff weighs more then me. We were asked to go on a recon? This is more then a recon. I am going to have to pass." Patrick looked at the weapons dubiously and started putting thing in the same places Brad did. "Well I don't think these guys are going to chew you out for killing a shark." He told Talon as they stepped away to face the others.

After several minute the Cadets were loaded down with 66 pounds of additional gear, to include NBC kits and portable shelters.. they were really loaded down... Each of you will also be carrying additional equipment that will be un-crated at the landing site.

Major Reynolds walked up as the team was getting prepared and introduced himself to the Cadets. "I'm Major Reynolds, the team leader for this mission, Sergeant Major Knight is the assistant team leader. As we are going to field conditions there will be no saluting Major and gunny are fine. This will be a long recon. It's purpose is to certify the Gunny and Corporal White on the recon course. I am his certifying authority."

We will be inserted 100 Clicks from here and recon to a heavily forested range of mountains. Do you have any questions?"

Brad seemed eager for the challenge, Patrick was beginning to think this was a punishment detail and it showed on his face. Lee Quan smiled at them both and wished them luck as excused himself from the group.

Reynolds and the gunny watched as Quan walked away from the group.. he shrugged. Marine life isn't for everyone.

"If you troops don't have any further questions lets get going..." he turned and headed for the shuttle.

Brad fell and walked to the shuttle among the front, Patrick brought up the rear with all the grace of a man on death row. He was wishing he had Lee's excuse at the moment. As much as Talon seemed to look forward to the challenge, Patrick seemed to dread the whole deal. Still deep down he felt the challenge and wanted to know if he had the right stuff.

Erwin Looked at his Two Cadet charges, "Have you guys ever done anything like this before?"

Both Cadets looked at the major confused, Brad shrugged, I did marine basic before entered the Academy? Patrick looked at brad like he had just grown another head, "I knew there was something wrong with you!" Then he shrunk as remembered where he was. "Sorry Major, but no is the answer. We are not Marines." Patrick spoke simply and Brad nodded. Brad spoke up, I grew up hunting and fishing and I can live off the land pretty well, and this load is no problem? Brad wasn't sure what was going on and neither did Patrick.

Reynolds was surprised Brad had been through Marine basic. "This shouldn't be bad for you at all Brad. If you made it through basic this will be a small challenge. Patrick you have some great skills also. I'm sure we shall learn some interesting things from you as well."

Brad nodded "Basic was not all that tough, and my major is Security, it was an option I took advantage of. I have a minor as well in small craft operations. My first summer semester I trained with shuttles and my next two summers I got to work with fighters. Lee did as well, he felt being able to pilot a shuttle would get him on more away teams like this one." Patrick listened as Brad spoke and chipped in, "Is how we met Commander Hawkins. He was the small craft instructor we trained under." Patrick winced, "I am not sure what all he has under his hat but he doesn't miss much."

"Sounds like you both shall fit in great here."

The two men could not have reacted more differently, Patrick looked lke he was being sent to the gallows and Brad looked like he had just been given his hearts desire. "Thank you Major, we will do our best." Brad said after a slight delay.


Major Erwin Reynolds and the Mountain Recon Team


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