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What a jerk

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2010 @ 5:57am by

306 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Docking Port 15
Timeline: 1300

Austin was looking forward to dinner with his brother tonight. They hadn't seen each other face to face since Riku went to the Academy. His niece was only 12 years younger than he was, but he was still proud of her. He was happily contemplating dinner that night as he took his engineering kit and walked towards the new ship, the USS Alabama.

He saw a pale man coming towards him in the corridor. He had the look of a department head on a quest. And he was headed right for Austin.

Austin knew that look. And it never boded well.

"Can I help ya, Chief?" Austin's drawl was thick when he spoke.

The man stopped and looked at him. "Yes, Lieutenant." The other man had an accent he couldn't quite place, but had heard before. "I was wondering if you were working on the sensors today?"

Austin shook his head. "Naw, they were dun last week. Any more an' it overtaxes 'em."

The man didn't seem to like that. "Could you get them a little more sensitive if you tried?"

Austin gave the man a look, sure he had stated himself plainly before. "Yeah, an' I told ya it overtaxes 'em."

The man's pale cheeks started to turn a dull pink. "With all due respect sir, how is it that Lieutenant Chaplin can get it to work and the starbase personnel can't?"

Austin had given the guy some slack but enough was enough. "Lis'en, Chief. If ya got a problem wit' how the engineerin' department is run, take it up with the station commander."

The guy's cheeks flushed a slightly brighter pink. "I will."

Austin watched the guy stomp off and shook his head. What a jerk.


Lt Austin Greenwood
SB Typhon

CPO James 'Jamie' Hendricks, Jr
Stellar Cartographer
USS Alabama
NPC'd by: Nunez


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